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Daily Log of an Odd One
Forum-Index → Diaries → Daily Log of an Odd OneDecided to start a diary. Figure I might as well, might be fun to look back on.
I hit my three year anniversary yesterday. Can't believe I've been playing this game for that long...still fun though. I only need a Huntail from the beach in order to trade in for a Mega Stone, but I'm not sure I'll get it. I also only need to catch a Mudkip and I'll be able to trade in for the shiny rod. I caught a claw fossil while fishing though, so I can summon Anorith once I get this Rowan Quest finished.
I can also turn in game chips for a Suicune egg, not that that didn't take forever. I hope to hatch those, plus a Rare normal egg and a rare dark egg I have stored, then move on to a possible shiny hunt.
We'll see how it goes.
Welp. I did not get the mega stone...sorta bummed about that. But! I just got the final starter needed (Mudkip) to finally get my shiny rod! Hopefully it actually raises the chances above "non-existent".
I did a dumb and lost 50k gamechips as well, but I got them back easily enough in the Concentration Game. It's really not that hard. You just need to try and actually remember where things are in patterns.
I only have four eggs left for this Rowan Quest, I hope he gives me something good. After I get them hatched, I have a rare Dark egg, my Suicune egg, a Regirock egg (once I beat the Beginner Path again), and whatever I get from summoning Anorith.
Still trying to decide what to shiny hunt...maybe Mimikyu. That'd be cool, I think. But I may go for something else, I'm not sure yet.
It still actually is day three for me, I'm ten hours behind wherever this site is based. Neat stuff.
So I've been using the Shiny Rod...and nothing. I really didn't expect any different, so I'm holding onto hope that when I can get some shiny bait I'll actually catch a shiny or two.
Speaking of shinies, I finally decided what I'm going to hunt. Tis going to be Ampharos (or Mareep) And this is honestly one of the dumbest decisions I've ever made, but the main goal is to end up with a shiny mega Ampharos. Which is going to take forever, I realize this. But if I do anything cool on this site, I will pull this off.
The new event, Robin Blaze? Yeah, Robin Blaze. I'm going to try and get it, shouldn't be too hard? But I've barely missed out on events before, so we'll see how that goes as well.
My Regirock, Suicune, and Anorith eggs are all in my party, just waiting for them to hatch.
Finally got a shiny bait....and nothing. I was, admittedly, more than a little disappointed. But, I opened a Dark Blue box and got a Light Rock, so eventually I'll be able to get a Thundurus at some point.
All of my most recent cool eggs have hatched, all very awesome.
I'm doing the current Bug Hatching contest, mostly because I'm saving up points to buy a Meloetta egg. I'm not worried about having both of her forms right now, I'd just like to have a single one.
I'm almost positive there was some kind of bug earlier? But I'm not sure? I was doing interactions, which is essentially just me sitting with one finger holding down the N key and one finger clicking the mouse repeatedly. And all of the sudden, I got the notification that I had already made 5k interactions. I wasn't keeping count, but I'm not sure that's right? But whatever.
Well...I caught a shiny Phione at the beach. Just...out of nowhere, completely random. I've also caught two more fossils for summoning Lileep and Amaura. So...good things there.
I started my Mega Shiny Ampharos hunt. I get the feeling I'll have extras of both before I get one that IS both. So...maybe I'll be able to sell them. Finally get up to a million PD, which I've never done.
Still haven't gotten the event egg, but I only need 500 more points, then I'll put the egg in my egg box. Unless they don't count towards chains, I'm not sure about that yet.
OH! I finally caught a Huntail, so the next time a Mega Stone is available for the trades with Leah, I'll be able to get one! Can finally mega evolve Prince Edward, though I'm not sure which form I'd rather he had...
Already missed a day...was bound to happen, honestly. But I'm getting sick, so I'm excusing myself. I fixed my About Me; I think it looks cute, even with its simplicity. I made a couple new friends on here, had someone randomly message me, and traded with someone to get an Accelgore, even though I'm still not certain how the whole Karrablast/Shelmut trading system works. I may have been playing this game on record for three years, but there have been some major skips in time between me playing it honestly. Simply got tired of it for a while, but I've always come back so far. My point in saying this is that I am still a major noob when it comes to some things.
So I caught a freaking Huntail. And then another Gorebyss. And then another Huntail. So, as soon as I trade in these last Clampearl for small pearls, I'll be able to trade those in for my final large pearl. Then I'll have enough of everything to get 2 mega stones the next time the trade is up with Leah. Which is pretty sweet, not gonna lie. I also caught a random shiny Seaking today, which was also very sweet.
I got the event egg, which honestly wasn't that hard but I don't have enough desire for another one to actually go longer on getting points. It's a Torchic in sort of medieval garb, with a large green apple on it's head. Its later evolutions are just the regular ones, but meant to be Robin Hood themed. So of course, my first inclination was to go with the name Robin Hood, since I name all my Pokemon. But I figured that would be a popular name for most people that typically name their Pokemon. So I thought about it, and I figured "He's a cute little guy, I'll call him Little John." So I named him, gave him a Everstone because who cares about his later evolutions? He's cute! And that's what I did.
On a final note, I need the good feels put out for my poor breeding couple. They are not producing very many eggs. Of course, the last hunt I did was a full year ago, so maybe I'm a bit rusty, but whatever.
So...not much to say for this one. I caught a Nappy at the honey tree, just waiting for him to hatch. Still waiting for the mega stone trade to be back up so I can get them. I'm slowly building up PD because it kinda sucks to be running out all the time (heh).
So yeah. That's about it...nothing much else going on.
Once again, not much has happened that would be worthy of writing down. I'm still waiting on the Mega stone trade to come back in, and I'm still on my hunt. I did catch a Slowyore at the honey tree yesterday, though. I would have left it as a Slowyore, since I am a very big Eeyore fan, but since there was a thing saying it was hungry and wanted to eat honey, I went ahead and let it evolve to Yorebro.
I also did a Mass-Click thing last night. Not an official one for the site or anything, just wanted to do a fair amount of interactions in one night. I got up to about 10k, maybe a little over. Which, I think, is the most I've ever done in one sitting. Except for when I did an actual click-event, but that was around the same amount. Puny, I know. But I have almost gotten my total interactions count up to 100k, so there's that.
There will more than likely not be any logs for the next day or so...but I'm not sure.
Well then, I haven't updated this in a bit. I didn't mean to wait this long between entries, but life things happened.
I was able to get two Mega Stones, which I've already used one to evolve my Charizard into a Mega Charizard X. I've also decided that it's not worth it to try and get a shiny mega, at least not right now. I want to really build up my PD beforehand, and I do have a few different Pokemon that I can get easily in the way of eggs, so as soon as I get a mega-able Mareep I'll be done with the hunt. I have already hatched a shiny Mareep.
I do want to do another Mass-Click, if only to help get my PD back up. I've had to spend quite a bit recently, the most recent large-spending thing being to expand my Kanto box. But it depends on whether or not I can get other things done.
Well, I've decided I have more pressing matters that waiting months on a shiny mega-able, so the goal now is just a mega-able. Which is proving to be more difficult than I thought it would be, but it should still not take near as long.
The PD saving is a slow process, but I'm steadily doing it. I have been auctioning off the Wishiwashi I've been catching; one person bid 7k for one. I don't understand the thought process myself, unless they either really wanted one or thought that it evolved into the School form...which it does not. I've caught two School form Wishiwashis so far, one of which I kept (obviously) and the other I sold for a respectable amount.
I only need to catch two more bottled messages and I'll have the submarine volcano map. Which means I'll be able to eventually get Volcanion. Not my favorite Legendary, but I'll take it.
I've started saving up Normal gems now, so that when I have 10k I can get the trade for a Ditto over with quickly. Hopefully I'll be able to find someone willing to lend me a Ditto so I can get my own.
Edited: Nothing happened and I'm an idiot.
I caught more fossils at the beach, enough for two Amauras, a Lileep, a Tyrunt, and an Aerodactyl. Which, I had bought both a Tyrunt and an Aerodactyl at the Auction House, but I prefer having my own.
There was another event recently, being Minior and it's 7 different comet forms? I think that's what they were called, they're all different colors. Pastels. It took...four days? To get all eight? Mostly because I was doing it purely with interactions and I have to reset every hour. But I only ever got the ones I needed, no extras (which, if I had gotten nothing but extras I would have been a bit upset). But now I have all of them, barring the extra shiny one that I was too lazy to go another 5 or so hours, just clicking.
I've been saving up on gems and boxes/keys, because while I'll get to a million a lot faster if I sell them, I feel like saving them up now, rather than later, is the best thing. I need at least 75 of several of them to get the Kalos Legendaries, and 10k normal gems just to get a Ditto. The Ditto is going to take so much longer I feel, but I do need one. I'd prefer to have my own, not luck out on buying one. Same for a Mew, though I hope to be a part of the next Event to get one of those.
I have Pokemon cycling through the GTS in hopes of a Ho-oh code, been lab hunting for good things and the Kanto birds (and if I randomly got a Ditto that would make my...well, probably my whole week). And I caught a shiny Marill at the beach, only for it to almost immediately evolve into Azumarill. Shiny Marill is cuter, but I'll take it.
Well, either I have the best luck or the worst luck while fishing; I don't know what the average is for other people in catching shinies. What I do know is that I caught three separate shinies yesterday. First was a Cloyster, then a Lumineon, then a Tentacool. Which, really, I could care less about the Tentacool, I catch so many of the normal ones. But still, this was very cool. I doubt I'll catch any within the near future though, not with that many all at one time.
I decided to make a list of the Pokemon I need based on region, and I'm really just focusing on Kanto and Johto right now, though if I hatch something I need while Lab hunting, obviously I'll keep it. I thought about making the lists as a post here, but they would be really long honestly. So I'll keep it short.
Kanto: 89/151
Johto: 55/127
Hoenn: 69/154
Sinnoh: 53/138
Unova: 95/174
Kalos: 42/113
Alola: 27/57
So obviously I still have a ways to go, the hardest parts will be getting the legendaries. Not fun, but I'm opening every box I get in hopes of summoning items and maps.
So I finally caught the last Bottled Message needed for a Submarine Volcano map, so I sent my shiny Phione on the mission. Encountered Volcanion, beat it, and received the Frozen Lava. Now I'm just waiting for my Phione to come back, then I'll have everything needed for a Kalos legendary.
Although I won't be able to summon the egg just yet, I have to do a shiny Wailmer hunt for someone I owed a shiny Deino about a year ago. Definitely got my own, stopped playing for a few months, and then completely forgot who it was that I was supposed to give one. But they messaged me recently, just to say hi, and when I looked back up through the messages I realized I owed them a shiny. Since it was my bad I'm doing the hunt for free; I can only hope I get the shiny quickly.
I've been doing a lot more mass interactions, for a couple different reasons, but mostly because I make a lot of pd from doing them. Tonight I've done almost 10k, which is pretty much my personal best for one sitting.
I've been saving up gems for the other Kalos legendaries, the closest being Xerneas. I'll put my current amounts down below, including where I'm at with my Ditto.

So, not super close on any of them, though I do almost have all the Grass gems needed for Xerneas. I'm focusing on Yveltal first, though, because I like it and a couple of the gems I need for it will coincide with rumbling areas that Xerneas also needs. I'm not even worried about Zygarde right now, it'll take less total gems but more of a variety.
I just need to get this shiny hunt done as soon as possible.
Got the Wailmer hunt done, chain 46. Which is pretty good for a Hard rarity, I'm assuming at least. I'm just glad it's done so I can focus on breeding the different Kanto and Johto pokemon I need. It'll get me to a fairly good place in terms of what I still need, most of which should be legendaries. Although for Johto I only need Ho-oh, the others I got either myself or for a really good price some time ago.
I already have Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Celebi, Regirock, Uxie, Shaymin, and Kyurem. I'll have a Volcanion, a Tornadus, and a Keldeo once I use the summon items, although I have to find Tornadus in the Safari Zone and Keldeo in the Tall Grass (I also have to have the Legendary chip for that). So in total I have 9, and will have 12 soon enough. There are 51-ish in total, with a few of them having more than one form to need.
So yeah. Now we start really focusing on getting what we need.
So it's been quite a while since I did one of these, which is mostly because I took a small break from the game. I'm back though, like usual. Don't know that I'll ever leave for good until I have all the pokemon that are available, other than the events. Not sure I'll ever get all the events, I've missed so many.
So yeah, back to the grind of trying to "catch 'em all" as it were; mostly breeding, watching the lab for pokemon I need or just don't have in general. The hardest is still going to be getting all the legendaries, although I did score a Dialga for 70k pd the other day. I feel like it was a pretty good deal; I'm going to be salty if I get the map for it anytime soon though.
I'm starting to collect all the plates I'll need for the Arceus forms, which, there are a lot. But having them before I even need to breed the thing will help. Although having a Ditto would really, really help move things along, but I'm still only at around 250 in the gem department. It's going to take a while.
Been another few months since I did one of these, might as well change the title to Occasional Log of and Odd One. I've been playing the game on and off, doing things, getting pokemon, saving up money. I have a few things to discuss this time, so it might be a more lengthy log.
I was opening mystery boxes today and finally scored a map out of one of them; it was for the Marine Cave, which gives you a sapphire to summon a Kyogre. I am admittedly very excited, Kyogre is one of my favorite legendaries. I also have several fossils (Cover, Jaw, and Skull), but I need to go through them and figure out what I have already and what I can put up at the GTS. I need more Arceus plates, so far I only have six out of the needed seventeen.
There's two new Events, one for getting Hoopa and the other for getting Kyurem. I only need one more Kyurem and a Black DNA thing to change its form. I have the regular Kyurem and the White one, I just need the Black one.
Hoopa is going to be an adventure, because as far as I can tell, the way you get them is through the Treasure Box game. I've been saving up for a Manaphy, but this will eat into my game chips. That and its completely random as to whether or not you even pick the one correct box out of nine. Not to mention its not guaranteed that you'll get a Hoopa if you do pick the right box. But you can do it as many times as you want, and every 50th Hoopa is shiny, so I guess it's worth it?
The Ditto gem progress is not going very well, mostly because I've been trying to get the other gems. I have everything I need except the Dragon and Fairy gems for both Yveltal and Xerneas, then Dragon, Fairy, and Ice for Zygarde. I have all the others I need.
I'm slowly but surely getting all of the Alola pokemon available, 50 out of 87 so far. Some of them I can get by breeding, others I'll get eventually.
I want to try and do a shiny hunt again at some point, maybe try for another shiny mega. It'll be a long project, but it should be fine.
So it's been around 6 years since I left one of these. Kind of insane I'm still coming back to this game, I'll be real. I started playing Flight Rising too, because of a friend who said they thought I'd like it. I do, and it got me back into playing this again, so. Y'know. Score lol
Far as I can tell I was trying to keep track of things needed in here, so I'll be brief.
Legendaries needed (39 total):

= Articuno, Moltres
= Mewtwo
= Latios, Latias
= Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza
= Deoxys
= Seatran, Giratina, Cresselia
= Phione, Manaphy
= Darkrai, Shaymin (Sky)
= Arceus (+ forms)
= Victini
= Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion
= Tornadus, Thunderus, Landorus
= Meloetta (both forms)
= Genesect
= Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde (50% and Complete forms)
= Diancie
= Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini
= Lunala
= Koraidon, Miraidon
= Mewtwo
= Latios, Latias
= Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza
= Deoxys
= Seatran, Giratina, Cresselia
= Phione, Manaphy
= Darkrai, Shaymin (Sky)
= Arceus (+ forms)
= Victini
= Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion
= Tornadus, Thunderus, Landorus
= Meloetta (both forms)
= Genesect
= Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde (50% and Complete forms)
= Diancie
= Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini
= Lunala
= Koraidon, Miraidon
Pokedex Counts (791 total)

Kanto Pokedex Count: 132/152
Johto Pokedex Count: 88/127
Hoenn Pokedex Count: 109/155
Sinnoh Pokedex Count: 81/138
Unova Pokedex Count: 137/175
Kalos Pokedex Count: 79/117
Alola Pokedex Count: 84/144
Galar Pokedex Count: 27/129
Paldea Pokedex Count: 6/36
Hisui Pokedex Count: 4/27
Johto Pokedex Count: 88/127
Hoenn Pokedex Count: 109/155
Sinnoh Pokedex Count: 81/138
Unova Pokedex Count: 137/175
Kalos Pokedex Count: 79/117
Alola Pokedex Count: 84/144
Galar Pokedex Count: 27/129
Paldea Pokedex Count: 6/36
Hisui Pokedex Count: 4/27
Normal Gems needed for Ditto: 779/10,000
And that's all folks. See you in another 6 years. /lh hj