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Adventures in Unova

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Adventures in Unova
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 214
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 17:51 (7 Years ago)
"If you don't want to walk, we can fly. Togetic is fit."
C a c t u s
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I'm dead inside

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 18:04 (7 Years ago)
"I can't walk yet" he said while yawning. "Just join the pile" he said lazily
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 214
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 18:11 (7 Years ago)
Ruby sent out all of her Pokémon. "Banzai!" She yelled as she jumped with her pokémon to pile.
C a c t u s
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I'm dead inside

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 18:15 (7 Years ago)
He laid down with all the pokemon surrounding him. He had a big space next to them that belonged to Braixen but Braxien was getting some pokefood
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 18:16 (7 Years ago)
Bella made a happy sound as she could feel more warmth come into the pile.Selena had moved to where she rested against her mother's side.She frowned as her mother shivered before getting up and pulling the sheets off the bed to wrap around Bella.She quickly ran over and did just that before smiling as her mother curled up against,what she perceived as,her father's leg.She then sat back down and curled in next to her mother's side.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 214
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 18:28 (7 Years ago)
Ruby was happy and she was laughting. She was cuddling with her pokémon.
(This is such a filler)
C a c t u s
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I'm dead inside

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 18:52 (7 Years ago)
He smiled as he laid there.
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 19:01 (7 Years ago)
Bella stretched slightly before groaning a bit.She quickly got up and rushed out of the room.A few minutes later she came back in and laid back down in her spot."So about getting the doctor thingy?"She mutters as her head rests on Zack's knee.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 20:56 (7 Years ago)
Charlotte sighed, training her Pokemon.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 21:00 (7 Years ago)
Leo stood up, and went off to route 3 again. He grew bored waiting on others.

[Insert inspirational quote here]

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Please Train Me!

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 21:03 (7 Years ago)
"This Route 3 place is pretty nice, actually. I should camp out tonight." Charlotte says to Dewott and Deino. She sits at the top of a tree.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 22:46 (7 Years ago)
Leo walks through route 3, in hopes of training Litten up.
[Insert inspirational quote here]

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Please Train Me!

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 22:52 (7 Years ago)
Charlotte sees Leo and sinks into the tree, unintentionally marking a lot of noise. "Dewott. Be ready." She instructs.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 23:11 (7 Years ago)
Leo stares at a tree once he hears noise. "Probably birds.." He said, as he walked past.
[Insert inspirational quote here]

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Please Train Me!

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 23:20 (7 Years ago)
"Phewwww... that could have ended badly." Charlotte says, somewhat loudly. Dewott shakes her head.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 23:27 (7 Years ago)
Leo looks back at the tree, and notices a Dewott. "A Dewott..on this route? Seems unlikely." Leo said, as he moved up to the tree. "Where is Mia..?" He also asks himself, as he hears some bushes rustling nearby.
[Insert inspirational quote here]

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Please Train Me!

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 23:33 (7 Years ago)
Dewott jumps out of the tree. "Dewwotttt!" she yells, gripping her scalchop.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 23:49 (7 Years ago)
Litten looks at the Dewott, and growls. "Litten!" She roared, as she attempted to ember the tree. She was successful, but now the tree was quickly catching fire.
[Insert inspirational quote here]

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Please Train Me!

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 26/03/2017 23:50 (7 Years ago)
"OWIE!" Charlotte yells, as she got burnt. She jumped out of the tree and fell into the dirt, Dewott quickly doused the tree.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Mon, 27/03/2017 00:05 (7 Years ago)
Leo watches as Charlotte falls to the dirt, and makes a joke. "It's a bird! It's a plane! No wait..It's just Charlotte." He says, as he giggles a bit.
[Insert inspirational quote here]

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