Forum Thread
Adventures in Unova
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Adventures in UnovaRalts cheered and giggled happily and they pointed at one of the characters with confused look. It seems like she wants to know who it is..
"I think I'm gonna add this Zorua to my party. Zorua seems like pretty cool Pokémon so, but I got only one Zorua tho, the other Zoruas escaped. But that Zoroark is clearly dangerous. Bella told that Zack wants to give it to officer Jenny."
Then she looked at Ralts. She wispered to It's ear that It's just fictional character, hoping that Ralts will understand what she means. Then continued to draw her chest.
Then she continued to draw her character skirt.
Raltz nodded and smiled but then they jumped down and walked back to Quartz
...And by the way, are you thirsty Zack?"
She asked while drawing arms.
(And Arwen, It's spelled Ralts! Not Raltz, Okay?)
Then she turned to Quartz. "And, what is gender of Ralts you recieved, Quartz?"
"That Zoroak needs hard hand , its not going to be easy but you already trained Spiritomb so why not" Quartz finnaly was able to stand but they leaned agaisin the wall just in case "You can break him or earn its trust. And.. Storing pokemons in PC is just wrong. Oh, Ralts is female , her name is Charlie" They said and Ralts returned to her pokeball..
...Are you guys hungry or thirsty?" She asked her friends while drawing legs.