Forum Thread
GTS: Advanced ''Search for a Pokémon''
Forum-Index → Suggestions → GTS: Advanced ''Search for a Pokémon''Maybe, I do not want to search just one pokemon, but more than one. So I would love to have not just one search box, but more than one as well ! Here are a few ideas for the search boxes:
[*] After Dex number (already exists, the only option for now)
[*] Region (including Emera region )
[*] Normal/Shiny/Mega-Able/Mega (the player will select one, however the shiny megas will appear on both Shiny and Mega option)
[*] Rarity (Easy/Medium/Hard/Rare/Retro/Event/Special ---and so goes on)
[*] Gender (Male/Female/Genderless)
[*] Attached item (Yes/No) OR (A list with all of the items (Alphabetical order), first/default option being None(N/A))
[*] Missing dex entry This option is shown in this thread, however, I will add this as well. This option is self explanatory. (Honestly, not all users want to buy the pokemon they miss...maybe they want to trade with an user that also misses a pokemon. It is a win-win ! )
Q: How does this works ?
A: This is simple. You can select one option or more than one. For example, if you choose the ''Region'' option, clicking the search button will result in showing you all of the pokemon from the region you selected.
If you choose more than one option, for example: ''Gender > (Male)'' + ''Shiny'', the results will be Shiny Male pokemon from all regions. However, if you add the ''Region'' option to those two, you will have Shiny Male pokemon from the region you just chose. Easy, right ?
In fact, a similar system can be found on ''Flight Rising'' in the auction house where you select what do you want to see and buy.
[Note] - This may as well go for the new feature from the next update for GTS.
I hope the suggestion is not very confusing. If you don't support it, please let me know why you don't so I could make the suggestion better. Thank you for reading.
This would really help those working on their Pokedex or breeding pairs, and since there are a lot of people who head to the GTS looking for things that meet certain expectations (like being mega-able, or a retro), it would be a tedious and time-consuming task to search for what they're looking for.
For instance, if someone is working on their Pokedex and is missing mega Pokemon, they don't have search each and every Pokemon that is mega-evolution-capable.
I support. o/
-Searching for Opposite Gender for Breeding Pair
-Mega or MA Dex Completion
-Shiny Dex Completion
-Missing Dex Completion
-Event Search
-Item Search
I fully support this. It would greatly help those after any sort of Dex Completion, or those after a Perfect Breeding Pair.
>-- Shiny Shop ☬ Diary ☬ Sapphire Collection! --<
There's nothing else to say, I absolutely love it! <3
This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Thanks for coping and paste Riako's feed...but...This thread was posted 3 months ago while Riako's feed 1 month ago. From what I saw this suggestion will probably be implemented. The screenshot is just a work in progress therefore it has room for detailed filters and improvement.