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Will Nintendo ever do another Pokemon Stadium game?

Forum-Index General Discussion Will Nintendo ever do another Pokemon Stadium game?
Trainerlevel: 3

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 27/02/2017 08:04 (7 Years ago)
I'm an old school Poke'mon player, my heyday with Poke'mon, was 1998-2000, had the trading cards, but mainly just played it on the gameboy. I took that gameboy everywhere with me, even when other kids who were "too cool" for Poke'mon thought it was socially unacceptable for me to bring it to the lunch table during lunch time at school.

I haven't bought a Console since I bought a used PS2 slim close to, if not, 10 years ago. Oh and somewhere buried around my house is an old N64. I think we had a Sega Genesis for awhile too, also for retrogaming purposes.

As a member of the PC Gaming Master Race, I generally frown upon consoles, my PC does everything I want it to and more. Yes it does sort of suck that I can't seem to get good racing games like Forza on my PC (although as I understand it, finally Microsoft relented and put Forza on PC at long last).

My Skyrim alone has over 200 mods, some of them older mods, which will never be ported to Special Edition Skyrim on the Xbox by the original modders (also why I have not upgraded Skyrim to the new Special Edition on PC, because some of my favorite older Skyrim mods wouldn't work on it). When I play GTA V, I try to put in as many real life cars as possible, to replace the fake ones that come with the game.

All 3 Console manufacturers today, offer me pretty much nothing, besides a few games here and there, that I would buy a Console, and play, over playing games from my PC.

The 3DS XL is a rare exception, in that occasionally, I will pick it up and play it, since only Poke'mon GO is offered on my Cellphone, and I much prefer the 3DS version of Poke'mon, to that of Poke'mon GO.

Anyways back on track, right now about the only game in the WORLD, that I would be willing to *maybe* drop some money, and buy a Console, would be another Poke'mon Stadium, and the ability to transfer my Poke'mon's from the 3DS XL, to the Console, similar to how it was done on my Red/Blue cartridges onto the N64's Poke'mon Stadium, back when I was a kid.

These days the Console Poke'mon games I don't have much interest in, there was a Poke'mon fighting themed game, and then there's one I think called "Mystery Dungeon". Again, not in my interest. But I would be immensely interested in another Poke'mon Stadium that allowed my to transfer my Poke'mon from my 3DS XL, onto my house's LCD Flatscreen. Hell I might even buy a TV to put in my own room, just so I could play it here.

What's the word on this? To me, besides the anouncer's lines during battle which got super old, super fast, it was actually one of my favorite N64 Poke'mon games.

Then Nintendo went off on a tangent, and started making Poke'mon games that had nothing to do with the gameboy versions or the ability to put your own Poke'mon on your TV screen at home (Like Poke'mon Snap for example, which also got really old rather fast).

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