Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L]LegendaryHatchlingsXerneas, Yvetal, and Zygarde!
We are holding this Lottery to help gather up the gems needed to hatch these Lovely Legendaries for her!
Looking to go above the gems required to collect for future hunts
In other words there is NO limit on how many common gems you send in!! ^-^
Lottery ends when the personal gem collection is complete
How to get Tickets?
Common Gems needed are

Gems will only be accepted in SETS OF x10 OF THE SAME TYPE ONLY
Common Gem Sets = x10 Tickets

x1 = 50 Tickets
(A set of x10 = 550 Tickets!)

If you wish to participate please send the Gems/Pd over to me *CheshireSmiles*. I will be the one to keep track of the tickets! ^-^
Please send all Gem entries through delibird with "LOTTERY" in the message box or they will be taken as donations (no exceptions).
Pokedollar Entries must be sent with the message "LOTTERY" or they will also be taken as donations (no exceptions).
-1st Place= Shiny Regigigas, Megastone ,and Mega Able Banettenstein
-2nd Place= Shiny Registeel , Megable Charizard Y, Shiny Remoraid
-3rd Place=Shiny Regice, Megable Absol and Shiny Absol
-4th Place=Shiny Regirock, Megable Ampharos and Shiny Houndoom
Consolation Prizes x5 Random Non-Placing participants will be chosen to receive ..
-2 Hatched Retro Starter sets (for 2 users)
- Latios
- Megable Beedrill,
- 55,000 PD

-CreepyJoker =1-1115
-MasterPwee =1116-3051
-BlackPegasus =3052-3171
-ForetellerJoe =3172-3251
-Daemira =3252-3451
-CreepyJoker =1-1115
-MasterPwee =1116-3051
-BlackPegasus =3052-3171
-ForetellerJoe =3172-3251
-Daemira =3252-3451
I can't seem to see where it says who won what though?
(In case anyone is reading this and wondering why I'm not telling them to get this approved - the contest is over so getting it approved is kind of useless :p)

Art credit: gelatin