Forum Thread
[L]New Raffle! Win 2 Mega Stone and More!(CLOSED)
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L]New Raffle! Win 2 Mega Stone and More!(CLOSED)Hi there! I've decided to do a Raffle for get as many fighting Gems as I can ^^
I'm sending the prizes right now, if any winner has changed the Name, and I can't find them in 3 days, I will change the winner so someone else can get it.
So, the raffle is going this way:

1x Figthing Gem= 1 Ticket
10x Figthing Gems= 12 Tickets
1x Dragon Gem= 50 Tickets
1x Star Piece: 60 Tickets
1x Mystery Box of any color (no Dark Blue ;-;)= 5 Tickets
1x Mystery Key of any color= 4 Tickets By Limit Time Keys are worth the triple!
Any Shiny/Mega-Able/Summon Item you donate= 100 Tickets

Since I've read that I can't give prizes i don't have yet, (so I must have them in inventory) Shinies Hunt have been changed to specifics shinies I have in my boxes :)
1°: 1x Mega Stone/1x Mega-Able Gardevoir/ 1x Marine Cave Map/1x Black Box and This Shiny Clamperl
[b]2°: 1x Mega Stone/ 1x Resolute Stone and This shiny Beautifly
[b]3°: 1x Black Box/ 1x Enigma Stone and 1x Enigma Pearl
4°: A Shiny Flaaffy and 1x Black Box
5°: 350KPD
6°:150K PD/ 1x Red/ 1x Green and 1x Blue Orbs
Note 2: Winners will be choice random~
This Raffle ends when I reach the 20K Fighting Gems, we're almost there! I just need a little more help ^^
Remember! the more Tickets you get, the higher are your chances of win ^^
I'm Also Buying Fighting Gems for 500 PD each, contact me if you have any for sell :)

-Tanuki: 1,532 Tickets :3
-Manu_18 1.620 Tickets :3
-Leapy 1,154 Tickets :3
-CreepyJoker 1,472 Tickets :3
-Shinich 1290 Tickets :3
Users who has Tickets so far:

1-potata Top
2-MysticMew98 497
3TrainerHammer Top
4Senedra 52
5BlooperVeteran 40
6Taragonra 40
7Saratank 40
8Kayti 292
9Amaterasu 144
10Iwanko 52
11Cupcakes_ 40
12EveeLover4 160
13Ropets123 40
14Jimsayshi96 40
15Dr_Falchion 100
16ValleryP 40
17Eeveecharm 268
18Jillianyuki 136
19Yukina-chan 40
20CuteSugar 40
21SaLaMeNcEmPiRe 65
22Teardrop 40
23audreylevina 40
24Sahilgk 40
25queenyuna 148
26McCree 12
27Blush 74
28CheeseWolf Top
29Pinkflamedragonstar 40
30ToriB 40
31Ponds10 40
32Dark_Mewtwo 415
33WingedGolem 40
34~Sarah-Leigh~ 40
35MoonsMan15 40
36Atavan 153
37Starflight 172
38Shobhit 40
39Professor*Acacia 40
40Manu_18 Top
41GamingKidd 40
42tobyharg 178
43KrellTheUnbroken 40
44henryque001 40
45shadowleap 40
46~Sasuke_Uchiha~ 40
47tirthshah 40
48Melson 40
49cat-rose 136
50Super_rishi 52
51Rishi_Rishi 140
52Lagune_Faraglioni 40
53Spartakus 40
54Csoxi 66
56Hawkeye559 120
57lordcazz 280
58Shiny_Mega_Gardevoir 240
59angelox88 480
60Morrowind 40
61Mandalorian 40
62drink 403
63razorblade620 79
64Vraxo 280
65Perv 363
66TheRedRedstone 11
67KawaiiJirachi 69
68donalways 64
69-dreamer- 40
70razorblade620 18
71Lady_Ianite 72
72King-of-universe 40
73Tajador 100
74HyenaMatriarch 40
75Fruehling 42
76Onizzzuka 40
77TrainerHammer 580
78CheeseWolf 680

Art credit: gelatin