Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → CLOSEDUsername: Devil0356
I Am Sending Items To: Morrowind
Comments: Thank you for doing this for everyone. It is an amazing idea. <3
Donating: Mystery boxes: 1x red 1x pink 3x brown 4x green. Mystery Key: 1x red
FR Elements and Familiars
Username: Nighty9000
I Am Sending Items To: Morrowind
Comments: this is such an amazing idea keep it up!
Donating: Zinc x1, Rare Candy x1, Mystery Box (Dark Blue) x10, Mystery Box (Pink) x1, Mystery Box (Purple) x2, Mystery Key (Brown) x2, Mystery Key (Green) x2, Mystery Key (Light Blue) x4, Mystery Key (Red) x1
Item I'd Like To Purchase: 13 Water, 30 Fire, 10 Flying, and 16 Ghost gems please
Paying: PD = 69*500= 34,500PD total 25% off = 25,875 sent thank you very much!
Comments: All of these are going to friends ^-^
FR Elements and Familiars
Username: Princess_Politoad
I Am Sending Items To: Morrowind
Comments: Looks great guys!
5x Super Honey
5x Everstone
1x Fire Stone
1x Leaf Stone
1x Shiny Stone
1x Thunderstone
1x Water Stone
2x Mystery Box (Dark Blue)
2x Mystery Box (Light Blue)
1x Carbos
Username: MeepTheMareep02
I am sending items to: ShadowedFury
Comments: :)
Donating: 68 Tasty Baits, 12 Regular Baits, 32 Delicious Baits, 2 Relic Coppers, 1 Bottled Message, 1 Prison Bottle, 1 Draco Plate, lots of evolution stones (I lost count), 500 Soda Pops, 500 Lemonades, 3 Gold Keys
Item I'd Like To Purchase: 19 dark gems
Paying: 9500 -25% = 7125PD
Comments: I hope I mathed that out correctly.
FR Elements and Familiars
Username: ShatteredSpark
I Am Sending Items To: ShadowedFruy
Comments: This shop is an amazing idea!
Donating: 1 brown mystery box, 1 dark blue mystery box.
Username: themightyglowcloud
I Am Sending Items To: ShadowedFury
Comments: :)
Username: themightyglowcloud
Item I'd Like To Purchase: KEYS: 1 x Green, 2 x Light Blue, 1 x Pink, 2 x Red
3 x Super Honey
2 x Relic Copper
Paying: However much that costs for what is in stock (I don't know if you guys have everything) + the discount thingie
Comments: Thanks!!
Also I would like to buy a shiny Castform slot if there are any openings. :3

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