Forum Thread
The Royal's Test (RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Royal's Test (RP)Princes (12): Thommas- 21, Ice, Fencing match- SylveonGirl23
Blake- 18, Teleportation, Game of tag- Derpadoo
Gabriel- 14, Animal Sensing, Hunting- CheeseWolf
Bryan- 18, Super Strength, Hammer Throw- Derpadoo
Greyson- 17, Aquakenisis and underwater breathing, Swimming Race- Glove.
Andrew- 16, Cloning, Find the real him- Derpadoo
Princesses (12): Rosara- 20, Terrakenisis, Horse race- SylveonGirl23
Isabella- 18, Dream Manipulation, Archery contest- CheeseWolf
Harper- 18, Music Trances, Music Test- Glove
Sorra- 17, Changeling, Charming Contest- ~Ruka_Shimizu~
Challengers (infinite):
Lucille- 17, Pyrokenisis- SylveonGirl23
Hayden-16, Invisibility- Derpadoo
Luna- 18, Creating Weapons- CheeseWolf
Yin- 19, Inanimate Object Puppetry- ~Ruka_Shimizu~
Kenna- 16, Super Speed- ~*Blaziken*~
Harmony- 16, Aerokenisis- Atavan
Lords and Ladies (infinite)(Carers for the younger Royals and adjudicators for the Challenges:
Lady Hildegard- 22, Shapeshifts into a Fire Bear- Arwen
People around the castle (Knights, Guards ect)(Infinite): Sumia- 19, Animal Communication- SylveonGirl23
Townspeople (infinite):
Oliver-16, Shapeshifter- Glove
Maids and butlers (infinite):
Kirumi Tojou-23-Gravity Manipulation-Chuuya
Castle Pet (2-3):
Elvira- Age unknown, Shadow Travel- Arwen
-All usual RP rules
-All PH rules
-Please put who you would like to challenge in other.
-Keep this PG-13! Also, romance is allowed, but please don't make this a soap opera!
-Password is the word in bold. Please put it in the other section.
-Magic is used in this world, but that doesn't mean that you have to be op! No Mary Sues.
-If your character is a challenger, then in the RP's beginning all of them will meet at the Moonshine Inn. They will also change into a more formal set of clothes to meet with the Royal Court.
-The currency for this world are Picarats. If you want a ratio, it's 5 pics for every one pound/euro/dollar.
-Please don't have the same powers as another user.
-Please be nice ooc!
-I have the right to refuse your form.
-I control day and night.
-There is no character limit, but try to RP as all of them!
-I will elect a kind of second in command who I trust as I cant always be online. This will be someone who I trust and I believe follows the rules. If I choose you for this role then you mustn't be allowed to abuse it. If you do then you will be stripped of the title and will be banned from the RP.
-Please don't do one liners every five seconds! Everyone does it I know, but try to!
-Same goes for grammar.
-Please also listen to Atavan as she is my co- mod.
Right! That was a lot of rules I know, but have fun on this RP!!

Lucille climbed off the boat, stepping onto the docks. She shielded the sun from her eyes, raising her hand. she smiled, stroking the whip at her side. She couldn't wait to challenge the Royal Children. She made her way to the Moonshine Inn.
Thommas looked out the window of his room. He sighed happily. He had heard that there were new challengers approaching the castle, and he hoped that one would challenge him.
Rosara, however, was preparing a prank, pouring water into a bucket and fixing it above the door.

Sorra- She was in her room going through her clothes. She needed something to wear for when she met the challengers. She finally decided on a green dress with one strap and a emerald choker with a jade ring. She changed her hair to black and her eyes to a deep green. She couldn't wait to see the challengers.
Harper was getting ready, obviously excited. She slid on skinny jeans and a black buttonup. She buttoned up the shirt, and smiled. Tucking the bottom in, she slid on combat boots. She blinked, and ran a hand through her curly hair. Today would be awesome.
Oliver wasn't a part of the challenges, and didn't want to be, honestly. He was in his shop, placing a boquet of lillies into a clear vase filled with water. He smiled. He adjusted his pink miniskirt, pale fingers running over it lightly. He also played with the collar of his white blouse, fingers grasping it softly. He leaned down, only a bit, to fix the vase. He grabbed a long ribbon, wrapping it around the vase into a little bow.
Thommas ran to the study, telling the castle messangers to announce a Royal Ball to welcome the new challengers. He quickly got changed into his new suit, fiddling with the High Prince's ring he wore on his left hand.
Lucille was shown to her room by the landlady. It was a qauint room, with enough room to practice in.

"Oh I am so so sorry.Here let me help you up."she said rushing to help the man off the ground.
"Ah do not worry little one it happens all the time.Here this is an invitation to the ball the kingdom is hosting for the new incoming challengers." said the messenger to Harmony giving her an invitation.
"Oh a ball I haven't been to one of those before.Thank you for the info." she says then she bows to him and walks off.After a few minutes of looking she finally finds the inn."Hello I would like to rent a room please." Harmony sasy to the man while repeating to herself in her mind,'Okay I know there is a lot of people in here Harmony but you'll be okay,you'll be okay,you'll be okay.' The man behind tha bar gives her a key and charges her 50 pics for her room."Wll I guess it could have been worse."She mumbles to herself feeling her pic pouch to see if she has any pics left.It seemed like she only had about 10 pics left."Well I better get to my room and get ready for the ball."Harmony once again mumbles to herself.She walks up to her room and goes in.She then pulls out her best dress.She puts on a pair of flats and did her hair.
Harper remembered that there was a ball tonight, and let out a loud sigh. She grabbed her white bowtie, and put it on easily. She pulled her hair back into a formal bun and put on a bit of eyeliner. Mascara too. She took a sip from her water bottle, and picked up her black lipstick tube. No, she wasn't emo or whatever, the shade just matched her shirt. She puckered her lips and applied it slowly. She blinked, capping the tube and smiling.
Grey stood, and walked to his closet with a sigh. He opened the door of the closet, and looked through his closet. He grabbed a white button up, black dress pants, and black shoes. He set the clothes on his bed, and slid off his shirt.
Elvira was sitting on roof of Moonshine Inn , it was uncommon to see her wandering in city in day but today she is here to keep close eye on challangers bafore the ball come. She will propably come to the ball too , after all she is companion of Hildegard , maybe Hildegard is only powerful lady and not really royality but it doesnt mean that Elvira cant go anywhere she wants..
Still fiddling with his ring, Thommas' mind began conjuring up images of Oliver. Gods he was cute. Tom was praying that he'd come to the ball.
Rosara went and knocked on Harper's door. "Little sis? Are you there?" She asked, not wanting to surprise her.

Sorra- She went into the hall way and saw Rosara in a green dress. "Hey, you ready for the ball?" She didn't want it to seem like she was copying her older sister so she changed her dress to a white one that only went to her knees and became a transparent silver veil to her mid-calf. It was off-shoulder sleeves and she had a lily in her now hot pink hair that was wavy and went down to her waist. Her shoes where now white bondage boots with pink bows on the toes.