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thii2 ii2 2tupiid: a homestuck fanclub!

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Inactive Clubs thii2 ii2 2tupiid: a homestuck fanclub!
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Tue, 10/06/2014 11:59 (10 Years ago)
9h. I have just scr9lled up and n9ticed that p9st. I did n9t see it previ9usly. Admittedly I m9stly pay attenti9n t9 p9sts a69ut a user wh9 wants t9 j9in 9r any p9sts pertaining t9ward me. I d9 read the 9thers I just, s9metimes when there is a c9nversati9n g9ing 9n I ign9re the thread a 6it. 9h dear.

And n9 I have n9t seen it, I d9 n9t think. Surprisingly en9ugh I hardly keep up with the times... I really sh9uld 6egin t9 d9 s9 at s9me p9int. I fear it will seri9usly 6ite me in the rear 9ne 9f these days.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Fri, 13/06/2014 01:55 (10 Years ago)
so, whil3 I was at school for th3 last day today, I got to g3t a fac3painting sinc3 it was fi3ld day.. I r3qu3st3d Gamz33's mak3up and I walk3d around outsid3 th3 school with Gamz33's clown fac3painting fac3paint3d on my fac3, app3r3ntly my moirail did th3 sam3 as m3 only sh3 want3d to look lik3.. this.. and hon3stly it was hilarious! 3v3ryon3 was T3RRIFI3D of us! X3 Hon3stly sp3aking, n3arly th3 3ntir3 school scr3am3d onc3 th3y saw our fac3s. m3 and my moirail w3r3 laughing lik3 maniacs out th3r3, I 3v3n scar3d my t3ach3r!
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Fri, 13/06/2014 02:05 (10 Years ago)
hehehehehe,That mustve been s0 hilari0us!Anyway,Im g0ing t0 watch the rest 0f this YGS epis0de.Bye 0u0

interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sun, 22/06/2014 02:14 (10 Years ago)
h3h3h I was s3arching through random vid3o's about Hom3stuck and found a vid3o of Kankri pr3t3nding to b3 Th3 Signl3ss Hon3stly I crack3d up Laughing at this thing!
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Thu, 03/07/2014 20:24 (10 Years ago)
Super duper late t9 resp9nd 6ut--
Well... Kankri is an alternate representati9n 9f The Signless, and if y9u are referring t9 his current attire that's what he is actually wearing under the 6right red sweater.
Anyway, I've always liked that vide9 and that v9ice act9r. It's simply ad9ra6le. Heheh.
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 1,222
Posted: Thu, 03/07/2014 23:30 (10 Years ago)
I've been 7rying 7o draw Kankri on paper, bu7 wa7ercolor jus7 can'7 emphasize the color of his shir7. And I can'7 7hink of any7hing else, crayons are 7oo messy. Any 7ips? B7w I will re7ain 7his 7yping s7yle un7il I change my username :3 and even 7hen I'll usually 7ype in lowercase as i7 is annoying for some people 7o read uppercase.
Rage || More rage || Ultimate rage
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Thu, 03/07/2014 23:34 (10 Years ago)
Wow, I hav3nt b33n on this in a long tim3.. but, y3s. th3 voic3 actors that do Kankri's voic3, amazing! :3 although how much I try to do Kankri's voic3, It always 3nds up too d33p or too high or just my r3gular voic3. I can do Sollux's voic3 and Gamz33's voic3 3asy, and I sound almost 3xactly lik3 th3m. 3v3n if Gamz33's voic3 hurts my throat Its still kind of hard but I find thos3 two 3asi3st of all to do, including N3p3ta's voic3. And for Black, I would sugg3st Coloring p3ncils, or Mark3rs to g3t th3 r3d on th3 sw3at3r corr3ct.
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Thu, 03/07/2014 23:42 (10 Years ago)
p3rson4lly bl4cksd 1 f1nd th4t pr1zm4color (Prismacolor) color3d p3nc1lz work b3st for g3tt1ng th4t p3rf3ct color. th3yr3 pr3tty 3xp3ns1v3 but work gr34t. color3d p3nc1lz 1n g3n3r4l 4r3 my 4rt toolz of cho1c3 though.
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 1,222
Posted: Thu, 03/07/2014 23:43 (10 Years ago)
Ooh, 7hankies :D I was wondering for a long time... Maybe I'll just redraw Kankri, the pencils aren't going well with the already-we7-paper.
I don't know how to do any of the voices since I've never had the sound turned on while viewing flash files. But I aim to learn.

Oh gracious goodness, I forgot to use 7! :O
And are Faber-Pastell (dunno how to spell that) colored pencils ok?
Rage || More rage || Ultimate rage
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Thu, 03/07/2014 23:46 (10 Years ago)
1 gu3zz so. 1v3 n3v3r us3d th3m s1nc3 1m usu4lly stuck with cr4zy4rt or cr4yol4.
LOL for quirk fail.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 11/07/2014 17:25 (10 Years ago)
hell0 its been a while since ive last p0sted
d0es any0ne read parad0x space

Hi folks! I hope it's obvious that I'm trying to type like Aradia. >.<
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Fri, 11/07/2014 19:44 (10 Years ago)
Hell9, Halc. It has 6een quite s9me time since y9u've p9sted, 6ut the thread is m9stly dead until new users j9in it seems. After that it all dies d9wn again.
I myself keep f9rgetting a69ut Parad9x Space 6ut I have read a decent am9unt 9f the c9mics that are p9sted there.

I think it w9uld 6e weird f9r us t9 have n9t n9ticed due t9 the quirk and the text c9l9r y9u even inputted. If anything, the 9nly reas9n we w9uld n9t have n9ticed is that if we are new t9 the we6c9mic and have n9t met her yet. Heheh.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Sat, 12/07/2014 01:53 (10 Years ago)
the reas0n f0r my lack 0f presence is due t0 sch00l but i h0pe that during the next sch00l year i may have m0re time t0 spend here
since there hasnt been any new c0ntent it seems t0 be that theres little t0 talk ab0ut
but when it d0es start updating again maybe pe0ple will be m0re active and talk ab0ut whats happening in this thread

haha thanks 0u0

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Sat, 12/07/2014 02:14 (10 Years ago)
9h, is that s9? Sch99l is such a tr9u6les9me t9pic. It had 6est 6e av9ided when necessary, as n9 9ne likes discussing it. I f9r 9ne am 9n 6reak haha...
Ah, yes, that is true. I had alm9st expected s9me t9 p9st a69ut h9w the MSPA sites were d9wn the 9ther day. 9h well I supp9se.

Y9u are welc9me indeed. ????
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 20
Posted: Sat, 12/07/2014 17:53 (10 Years ago)
*crashes through the thread at the speed of nyoom*
yes hi <3
*tumbles around* friends i have fantrolls. and maybe more fantrolls that are a part of every blood caste
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who are your favorite characters, and why? *confused noises* i dont know!! bluh, i guess theyre all my favorite, except the Zahhak's and Eridan.. idk..
who do you ship? i dont ship ;v;
what's your favorite part of the comic? i-i dont know.. when the fantrolls made the debut?
what's your least favorite part of the comic? gamzee going sober and shizz ;v;
how did you find out about homestuck? im not really sure. i heard about it a lot so i was like "ey why notz i could read it" at first i couldnt get into it, but i kept hearing about it so i tried again ;v;
when did you start reading homestuck? uhm... a year ago?
what's your favorite music from it? !!! Im not sure, perhaps Hate You?
do you have any headcanons for anything? hecka yeah. i have headcanon heights (i dont wanna say tho because i can only think and not ... say. *wOrdSSs* and female voices (which i can do and show yall if vocaroo worked for mee)
who's your patron troll? my patron? Feferi 38D
what pokemon would you partner with the characters? . . . i dont know ;v;
have you cosplayed as anything from homestuck? not really, but when i do, itll be Nepeta/Meulin! ;v;
do you have a pesterchum? okay so i dont have pesterchum, but i have a trolltag ;v; when i ever get pesterchum, itll be artisticMelody

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Sat, 12/07/2014 17:59 (10 Years ago)
9h, hell9 Nirukama. It's nice t9 see that y9u are here with us. Welc9me!

I actually d9n't like the Zahhaks that much either hahaha... I can t9tally see y9ur patr9n 6eing Feferi, my g99dness. The m9ment I read that all I c9uld think was "YEP." 9h, and as f9r the c9splay. If y9u d9 Nepeta are y9u g9ing t9 make her cute little 6lue hat? Nepetas in hats are ad9ra6le.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 20
Posted: Sat, 12/07/2014 18:07 (10 Years ago)
dunno, depends if there are any good tutorials ... or if my mom is good enough i can ask her
it might as well be a humanstuck nep because i dont like the idea of having facepaint all over me >w<
i never really thought of cosplaying, unless i can voiceact the charrie (or if its my headcanon voice) and if its easy enough ahah

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Sat, 12/07/2014 18:17 (10 Years ago)
I happen t9 have a tut9rial saved in my files that is rather g99d and has pictures as well as a pattern, I w9uld just have t9 upl9ad all 3 9f the pictures and link them here.
I d9n't really like having paint 9n myself either since it can 6e a hassle, such as n9t applying c9rrectly, it smudging everywhere, etc. That's kind 9f why my first c9splay was J9hn and n9t a tr9ll. Humanstuck characters are just as ad9ra6le and accepta6le as the can9n species. :T

Speaking 9f the tut9rial, I went ahead and upl9aded the images here, here, and here just in case. If y9u decide t9 d9 Humanstuck as y9u menti9ned, y9u can just ign9re the part where y9u cut the h9les 9ut f9r the h9rns.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 20
Posted: Sat, 12/07/2014 18:22 (10 Years ago)
makeing things look like a hassle screw that im going to either go commission someone or see if they got anythign on etsy
im most likely going to just get a cat hoodie ahah
cosplaying is such a hassle id rather just wear my hoodie and a cat shirt
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Sat, 12/07/2014 18:26 (10 Years ago)
9h. I ap9l9gize. I'm sure it w9n't 6e a pr96lem t9 find a c9mmissi9ner and/9r s9me 9ffers 9n Etsy. I've seen a l9t 9f H9mestuck merchandise that was made 6y fans there.
A cat h99die w9uld w9rk just as well, th9ugh.