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thii2 ii2 2tupiid: a homestuck fanclub!

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Inactive Clubs thii2 ii2 2tupiid: a homestuck fanclub!
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 513
Posted: Thu, 08/08/2013 04:25 (11 Years ago)
if you're here you're probably a homestuck fan (and i know you guys are floating around!), so i'm just going to put it out there right now that this place will probably have spoilers at some point if you're not up to date, sorry! stop reading this and go catch up! lol

if you have no idea what homestuck is and came in here so i could tell you what homestuck is ... SORRY... this is something i am completely incapable of putting into words, so here, have this summary done by the creator himself

so, homestuck fans!
who are your favorite characters, and why (no character bashing please <3)?
who do you ship (also let's not have ship wars please, this is a safe harbor and all vessels are protected)?
what's your favorite part of the comic?
what's your least favorite part of the comic?
how did you find out about homestuck?
when did you start reading homestuck?
what's your favorite music from it?
do you have any headcanons for anything?
who's your patron troll?
what pokemon would you partner with the characters?
have you cosplayed as anything from homestuck?
do you have a pesterchum, and if so, you can share it if you'd like!

got any other questions i could put up here? let me know!

feel free to pop in and meet other homestuck fans, kick back an apple juice, talk about updates, thumbs-up from the door like a boss, or anything in general as long as it's on the topic of homestuck and within the rules of the site! let's keep it clean guys!

Kankri_Vantas is our kawaii super-official hatched leader/welcomer so be nice and listen to her or i'm coming after you with a post-it note with a friendly reminder that papercuts really hurt

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Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 09/08/2013 05:22 (11 Years ago)
im a little nervous posting here ahh

But hey! On Pesterchum Im mythologicalSeamtress and even thought Im barely on Id really love to add people on there to talk to ahhhh.

But I wanna talk about those discussions because wooow I have a lot of feelings and ideas for these kiddos. My favorite characters are Dave Strider and Feferi Piexes but the odds of me liking any character you put in front of me are really high! There are maybe.... 4? characters I dislike in the whole comic so that says a lot.

My two favorite ships are AraFef (Aradia/Feferi- mainly redrom but I adore palerom) and VrisEri (Vriska/Eridan- blackrom all the way!) but I have waaaay too many ships to even list like wowie.

I started reading the comic mid-8th grade and Im still an avid part of the fandom little over a year later. Two of my friends would always talk about it and eventually I gave it a look and to be honest Dave was the reason I kept reading, something about his personalty hooked me. After Act 1 finished I was a sinker and kept reading and Im going to admit that I found the first intermission really boring and even now reading it is boring to me yikes. My very favorite flash is [S]: Make Her Pay but I also adore some of the others (Cascade, Roxy: Sleepwalk, Rose: Be The Rider, etc) but my favorite pure text part of the comic is when John was talking to Rose at the very start when he found the bathtub (which leads me to another ship I love so so much. Grimdorks is a lovely ship).

My patron troll is Sollux and when he isnt one of my favorites, I still rather like him! As for cosplay Ive finished my cosplay for Feferi and Im really wanting to do Rose next in one of her fancy alchemized dresses and eventually Im going to cosplay both God Tier.

THis has turned out to be really really long I am so sorry.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Fri, 09/08/2013 05:34 (11 Years ago)
Oh heckie yes a Homestuck thread! So glad you decided to make it afterall!


I answered the questions listed in the original post, and I put it in a spoiler because it is quite long.

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* If I had to choose my favorite characters I could probably narrow it down to Karkat/Vriska/Aradia/Nepeta being my favorite postscratch Trolls and Kankri/Aranea/Latula for my favorite prescratch Trolls. Though for the kids it's probably John for Beta Kid, and Roxy for Alpha Kid. If any of that made sense.

* Oh sweet Jesus. Ships. I definitely ship Karkat<3Sollux, Karkat<3Terezi, Karkat<3Kankri, Gamzee<3Tavros, Nepeta<>Equius...The list just goes on. And for the kids: Dave<3John, Roxy<3Jane, Dirk<3Jake. Those are for sure. I ship more too! It's just hard to actually name them all.

* My favorite part is when everyone dies. I don't really have a favorite part. I just love the whole darned thing.

* My least favorite part is probably the intermissions that [seem to] stray completely from anything relevant to the plot. So that first intermission was rather...not fun for me when I first read it. I bet I'm speaking for a lot of people when I say that. :)

* I found out about Homestuck through a friend who was seriously obsessed with it. So, after she showed me what my zodiac troll(s) would be I looked up the infamous 'Homestuck' only to get sucked into the lovely void that is now my life.

* I started reading it about a week after that. This was just about a year ago. I don't remember the exact date. I just know it took me a bit to actually get into it.

* Basically all of the strife music and the theme songs for the characters. I also love certain flash music like Gold Pilot and Cascade, for instance.

* Well. I do have headcanons. But some are weird and inappropriate, so I won't say those. My favorite one is the nook and bulge headcanon. And one I thought of myself where if a troll's God Tier wings get ripped/cut off that it is excruciatingly painful and they will leave huge scars that will cause the same pain again when touched. I am a mean person, I guess. Otherwise I enjoy the elf-like ears headcanon. Most of my headcanons are for ships though.

* My patron trolls are Sollux and Mituna Captor. Hehe. Though I am also located on a cusp so I consider Karkat and Kankri Vantas as my patrons as well. I do show signs of both Gemini and Cancer anyway, so.

* All these Pokemon...I've never really considered what Pokemon partner each troll could have. Though I know for a fact Eridan's would be Kingdra. Kankri's is definitely Chatot. Uh...

* Oh, yes. I have a [female] John Egbert God Tier cosplay all ready and set up in my closet, actually. I'm also working on Kankri and Karkat cosplays too! I can't wait!!

* As for Pesterchum/Trollian, I have one for myself and several others for my OCs. But I am hardly ever on. It would be aurumChimera.

Now that the above is over with...

Time t9 revert t9 6eing in-character I supp9se? Anyway, I m9stly serve as a s9rt 9f guide t9 the users here. I am su6scri6ed t9 the thread in 9rder t9 welc9me th9se 9ld and new, as well as p9st silly little things pertaining t9 H9mestuck here (as it IS a H9mestuck fanclu6).
I l99k f9rward t9 speaking with every9ne!
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 513
Posted: Fri, 09/08/2013 07:02 (11 Years ago)
haha wow don't be nervous posting
even though i was nervous doing the initial post lol

since everyone else is answering these, i'm gonna go ahead and answer these in a spoiler too

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my favorite characters overall in homestuck would definitely be sollux and karkat in first place

karkat's a master wordcrafter, some of his insults are so beautiful like seriously i could sit and listen to karkat chew me out all day ahahah but seriously, i like how he's so prickly on the outside, but it's obvious that he cares a lot about his friends
sollux is pretty good at wordcrafting as well, also his terrible puns are terrible, and his design is incredibly cool
i'm quite fond of feferi... a lot of people seem to pass her off as the brainless fish princess, but holy cow she's a sassy lady, it's hilariously adorable, i wish she got less crap for cutting moirailship off with eridan though

as for the humans, i really, really like dave and dirk... there's just something about those striders <3

wv and ms paint are seriously too adorable to not love also

there aren't a lot of characters i don't like though, i either really super adore/love them, am okay with them, or am neutral

for ships, karkat <3 sollux is my OTP <3333 like i literally will not ship these guys in the red quadrant with anyone else ahah i will go down with this one, i also ship them in some weird freaky awkward brotp amalgamation of red pale and black, with red being predominate
i thought i was the only one who liked aradia <3 feferi, but it has a lot of potential for feels, which is really a lot of what i look for when i ship
i also ship karkat <> gamzee, i was sad when it dissolved :(
mituna <3 latula is like wow cuties
i'd like to see dirk and jake work things out too, though i also ship dirk/jane and dirk/roxy man i think all i want to see is dirk be happy haha

my favorite part of the comic...it's all pretty cool
i wasn't too crazy about the midnight crew intermission, but that's cause i didn't understand it but now i'm like okay, that's not so bad...still not my favorite though
i loved the alterniabound flashes and all the ones like it, walking around and talking to the characters as a character was stupidly fun
mostly i read the first acts of the comic having absolutely no idea what was going on, and i was in it for the art...and also dave

i found out about homestuck while i was rolling around on youtube a long while ago... i saw these little demon characters in all these videos and i was wondering what the heck, what anime is this, and i went researching and found out allll about homestuck (the first homestuck youtube vid i ever watched was solkat, go fig)

i started reading homestuck a few weeks before the cascade flash, whenever that was

favorite music...oh man
fuschia ruler, even in death, unite synchronization, frog forager, rex duodecim angelus, the cascade version of flare, english, ocean stars falling, serenade, terezi owns, the lemonsnout turnabout, arisen anew (doctor who and vocaloid? i'm not going to say no to this song)

i'll just say i share all detestalicious' headcanons and leave it at that lol

my patron trolls are vriska and aranea :b

i REALLY like the idea of pokestuck... i actually have a lot of headcanons for it and used to roleplay it elsewhere
i want sollux to have a bunch of combee lol i don't think he'd be all that excited about the concept though... i imagine tavros, feferi, aradia, or nepeta would be pretty chuffed about getting cute critters to travel with
aradia and fossil pokemon!
nepeta with skitties and meowths eevees and all the cat pokemon, also gardevoir would make quite the elegant tea companion

my pesterchum is astronomicalTechnorave though i'm most often in invisible mode on my sollux alt, thoroughlyAntisocial
it'd be pretty cool if we could fix ourselves up a memo to hang out in too!

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Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Fri, 09/08/2013 07:11 (11 Years ago)
I really like all of your answers, AutumnStar, haha.

I think Karkat and Sollux was actually my first ship. And the first ship I drew on my Tablet and in general. :T

I completely forgot about Mituna and Latula. I ship those adorbs kids too. And I got really upset when Karkat and Gamzee severed their relationship.

All in all, I completely agreed with everything you said, heheh.


Also I think it'd be fantastic if we started a memo. I'm sure aimlessrenedave would agree too. c:
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 09/08/2013 07:34 (11 Years ago)
Looks like we are all a bunch of shippers who ship the same ships! And Mituna/Latula, ahhh.. most certainly the cutest ship outof the Beforus ships (even if I am partial to Damara/Rufioh and Lesbifins) and lets not discuss GamKar even if there are good reasons for the ship to retire, its still really sad to think about :c

And Im all for a memo! I think we have to wait a second, Detestalicious is thinking up a new handle ehehe c:
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Fri, 09/08/2013 07:45 (11 Years ago)
Edited my previous post that contained my chumhandle to say encryptedDragonologist
...instead of midniteViolet. c:
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 24/08/2013 15:56 (11 Years ago)
I should have posted sooner.

who are your favorite characters, and why (no character bashing please <3)?
How do you ever choose? I can't, but admit tingly I adore Jade, Terezi, Karkat, Eridan, and the trolls and humans, and people. ;u;
who do you ship (also let's not have ship wars please, this is a safe harbor and all vessels are protected)?
Karazi and a lot of other ships that will never sail! :>
what's your favorite part of the comic?
All of it. o:
what's your least favorite part of the comic?
When Terezi got her sight back. D:
how did you find out about homestuck?
Stein would not shut up about it. ;u;
when did you start reading homestuck?
what's your favorite music from it?
Things I can't spell. unu
do you have any headcanons for anything?
Erk yes but I rather not say right now.
who's your patron troll?
Terezi. <33
what pokemon would you partner with the characters?
Drudigon? Probably spelled that wrong too.
have you cosplayed as anything from homestuck?
Yerezi and Jade. :>
do you have a pesterchum, and if so, you can share it if you'd like!
Yes! But it hates me and won't open...

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Sat, 24/08/2013 16:17 (11 Years ago)
alchemizedTrust's Pesterchum/Trollian is kaputKelpie I believe. :T

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Sun, 19/01/2014 01:17 (11 Years ago)
Hi fellow Homestuck fans!

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Favorite characters.....that's hard to choose. Almost all of the characters give me feels. ?(????) Kanaya is definitely one of my favorite characters. She's such a trooper and have been awesome throughout the whole thing. Initally, Vriska wasn't one of my favorite characters (even though we're both Scorpios) but she grew onto me. For kids, the pre-scratch kids are my favorite. (so much feels man)
I like Karkat<3Terezi, Aradia<3Sollux, Lesbifins, Dirk<3Jake, Meenah<>Vriska, and so much more....Karkat<3Sollux is also a nice ship.
My favorite part of the comic...is finding out when there's an update so I get learn more about what's happening.
My least favorite part was the Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff random comic thing.
Actually, I've forgotten how I heard about Homestuck. I vaguely knew about its existence for at least a year or so before 2012 and then my friends and I were talking about reading it. I didn't get to it until August of 2013. So I'm relatively new to all of this and stuff.
What comes to my mind first is Hate You. I also really like the album Symphony Impossible to Play and the Medium.
I do have headcanons but typing them out is too much work. Also most of them involve one ship.
My patron trolls are the Captors.
Regarding PokeStuck, I like what other people have partnered the characters with in general.
Haven't cosplayed as anything from Homestuck or anything else yet....
I also don't have a Pesterchum. I'm afraid I'll get too distracted and not do any work....Also, I'm thinking about a good Pesterchum handle to use xD

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Mon, 20/01/2014 00:45 (11 Years ago)
Awesome! Another Homestuck fan found the thread. 8)
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 26/03/2014 23:17 (10 Years ago)
Oh wow, I'm glad I found this-
Well uh, so...
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who are your favorite characters, and why?
Ahh wowwww, that's a hard one, because I kind of love most of them-?
But if I had to narrow it down to just a few, I'd have to say I really like Karkat, Sollux, Eridan, Nepeta, Damara, and Aradia.
I don't really have any specific reasons per say, that's just who appeals to me the most I guess...

who do you ship?
Wowwwwww, this one.... I mean, I have a lot of ships honestly, but again if I had to pick just a few, GamKar<> and Karezi<3 are pretty much my ultimate ships, but I also really like Rosemary<3, SolKat<3, NepKat<3, Meowrails.... If you're interested in the full list, it's on my tumblr, and I could link you to that, I don't want to make this post too long....

what's your favorite part of the comic?
what's your least favorite part of the comic?
I don't really have an answer for these, honestly, there are a lot of great things about all the parts, I think, and it's hard to choose-

how did you find out about homestuck?
From friends- Actually, oddly enough, it was a while ago when the fandom was still largely hated, and a couple of friends were talking about how much they disliked it, and I kinda thought "it can't be all that bad maybe I'll look into it," but later I heard from a friend who did (still does) like it, and that's when I decided "yeah, I'm going to read this.

when did you start reading homestuck?
A little more than a year ago.

what's your favorite music from it?
Ohhh that's hard too, all the music is pretty great....
Karkat's theme is my ringtone on my phone if that counts for anything-

do you have any headcanons for anything?
So many...
So many.......

who's your patron troll?
Uhhm, well most people here seem to be going by their Zodiac trolls, which in my case, I'm an Aries, so that would be Aradia and Damara-
However, I prefer the method described here (as it's more accurate, what with the kids' patrons not matching up to their zodiac, and when used with their canon birth dates, does yield their canon patrons), in which case mine would be Feferi.

what pokemon would you partner with the characters?
Hmmm, not really sure, to be honest.... I do like some of the things a few of you already said-

have you cosplayed as anything from homestuck?
Yes, I cosplay Karkat-

do you have a pesterchum, and if so, you can share it if you'd like!
Yeah, mine is blueCourage
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 27/03/2014 05:26 (10 Years ago)
Homestuck part time WOOT!!
1)who are your favorite characters, and why (no character bashing please <3)?
Vriska, She reminds me of me in an exaggerated way. Thinking what she is doing is best for everyone and always failing at it. Falling in love a doing a complete botch job of showing it.
2)who do you ship (also let's not have ship wars please, this is a safe harbor and all vessels are protected)?
I like tragic romances. So Signless/Disciple and Meulin/Kurloz
3)what's your favorite part of the comic?
Shiiiit.....Almost any of the animated cut scenes.
4)what's your least favorite part of the comic?
Reading Rose's Game FAQ. Sorry Rose. -_-
5)how did you find out about homestuck?
I saw an OTP music video someone did of some fan art of different pairings and was like 'Man, those characters look awesome! I want to know everything about them!'
6)when did you start reading homestuck?
bout 2 years ago
7)what's your favorite music from it?
The cherubim soundtrack The last song Eternity Served Cold is chilling...
8)do you have any headcanons for anything?
Oh Gods yes but their waaaay too many to list here....
9)who's your patron troll?
Vriska! ::::)
10)what pokemon would you partner with the characters?
Thats...a lot of characters...Id have to get back to you on that.
11)have you cosplayed as anything from homestuck?
Yes! I cosplayed Vriska and my friend did Gamzee. We were Kismesis and fought around a Tavros we met at a con!
12)do you have a pesterchum, and if so, you can share it if you'd like!
Kinda. I only used pesterchum once and could never figure it out....
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Thu, 03/04/2014 23:57 (10 Years ago)

Title: CA:

felloww homestucks

I've seen a few around and I friend them (though they dont ALWAYS friend back) but yes!! I am a homestuck and proud.
so how are all the fellow session players out there? :33

(yes I know I didn't use Eridan's quirk throughout. I'm more Cronus than Eridan x
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Fri, 04/04/2014 00:02 (10 Years ago)
Welcome to the Homestuck thread~ Heheheh. (:B
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Fri, 04/04/2014 00:41 (10 Years ago)
who are your favorite characters, and why (no character bashing please <3)?
==> The Amporas: Not only my patron trolls but I LOVE THEIR PERSONALITIES
==> The Vantases: I love how diverse they are. A sinner, a saint, and Jesus. Fabulous.
==> Diamonds Droog: He puts up with so much sh**. Props to him. So many props.
==> The Striders: They are so fun to Voice Act/ Roleplay as. And Swords.
==> John Egbert and Dadbert: All of the yes. So very much fun to VA and I love how "innocent" and Derpy John is and how Serious Dad is.

who do you ship (also let's not have ship wars please, this is a safe harbor and all vessels are protected)?
==> I have SO MANY but I will share my OTPs
==>Flushed: Cronkri, CroKat, CroDirk, EriKat, EriSol, SignKat, SignCro, SSDD, RoseMary, Stridercest, DualTuna, EquiNep, EriRose, EriKan, EriKri
==>Pale: GamKar, EriKar, KarNep, MitKri, KurRus, TavEqu, DaveTav, DirkJake (sorry!), DirkRoxy, JaneRose, RoxyRose, RoseVris, FefNep
==>Calignous: KurKri, KurTuna, KurTula, MeeTuna, MeeTula, MeeFef, CroMee, HorRuf, HorDam, HBSS, HBTav, Sn8wSlick
what's your favorite part of the comic?
==> The flashes, especially the games. You can tell Hussie puts soooooo much work into them.

What's your least favorite part of the comic?

how did you find out about homestuck?
==> ...Tumblr... Actually no. FurAffinity.

when did you start reading homestuck?
==> July 2013

what's your favorite music from it?
==> All of it. Really just. All of it.

do you have any headcanons for anything?
==> Bulges and Nooks for all Genders, Dave asks Jade to make a tiny clone of Davesprite, Cronus and Kankri actually committed suicide together and used the game as a cover up, John really is secretly Gay but his father pressured him to find a nice GIRL so he thinks homosexuality is taboo, Nepeta and Terezi secretly mimic Karkat behind his back, Karkat enjoys role playing with Nepeta but is afraid to say so, Equius is flushed for Nepeta but doesn't want to compromise her quadrants

who's your patron troll?
==> Cronus Ampora

what pokemon would you partner with the characters?
==> Karkat/Loudred, Aradia/Gogoat, Tavros/Tauros, Sollux/Combee or Alakazam, Nepeta/ANY CAT POKEMON, Kanaya/Gardevoir, Terezi/Dragonite, Vriska/Spinarak, Equius/Ponyta, Eridan/Nidoking, Milotic, Horsea, Qwilfish, or Gyrados, Feferi/Tentacruel, Poliwag, or Shellder, Kankri/Slowking, Mawile, or Espeon Damara/Banette, Medicham, or Ninjask, Rufioh/Tauros, Mituna/Combee, Jumpluff, Spoink, or Raltz, Meulin/Also Cat Pokemon, Porrim/Dragonair, Jynx, or Smoochim, Latula/ Bagon or Dratini, Aranea/Mawile or Ariados, Horrus/Rapidash, Cronus/Scraggy, Squirtle, Wighlytuff, Ditto, Mantine, Kingdra, or Swampert, Meenah/ Remoraid, Carvahna, Sharpedo, Tentacruel, or Gorebyss, Dave/ Celebi, Tailow, or Murkrow, Rose/Kirlia, John/Pichu, Jade/Mightyena, Dirk/Flareon, Metang, Magnezone, Skarmory, Scizor, Raichu, Genesect, Steelix, Bisharp, or Jolteon, Jake/Eevee, Meganium, or Tropius, Jane/Blissey, Roxy/Delcatty, Skitty, or Sneasel

have you cosplayed as anything from homestuck?
==> Human!Fem!Karkat and Human!Fem!Eridan

do you have a pesterchum, and if so, you can share it if you'd like!
==>My main one is dreamlandNightmare but I'll update it later
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 04/04/2014 02:57 (10 Years ago)
Hey Eridan! ::::)
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Fri, 04/04/2014 15:06 (10 Years ago)

Title: CA:

hey vvris howw are you
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 04/04/2014 15:11 (10 Years ago)
Soooooooo busy!!!!!!!! Its hard being this busy with all these responsibilities. But! Somebody has to do it and do it right. And who better than me right?
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 04/04/2014 15:12 (10 Years ago)
(Seriously though Im pretty good. Spring break is about to start up finally a break. Woot!)