Forum Thread
The not completely cringy version of my life
Forum-Index → Diaries → The not completely cringy version of my lifeDiary writing.
Nice to be back.
Here I'm going to just post random things to do with my life!
I do have another diary but, y'know.. Stuff
Please do not post here unless you are me.
Ok so I just replied to a pm I didn't reply to for a year.
I hope they reply, but they don't have to because if they don't I understand.
Ahhahuhcxva jhoasdochbj
Ok so I just noticed that lots of people tend to put, uh, info about themselves in the beginning of their diaries so-

Name: Umbreonkitty
Nicknames/Othernames: Kitty, Lady Penelope, goathappy
Interests: Undertale, Dan and Phil, A bunch of other youtubers, some anime, pokemon(obviously lol) and other stuff I forgot
I like turquoise and salmon pink. I also like cats
Ok other things:
Favourite Pokemon: Umbreon, articuno, delphox. And that's the short list
Favourite Animal: Goat
Favourite Colour: Turquoise
Favourite Show: Steven Universe or something
Favourite Fictional Character: Tsukishima Kei <3
Favourite Cat Type: Tortoise Shell
Favourite Undertale Character: Undyne
Favourite Number: 1678 or 7
Favourite Food: Pesto Pasta all the way
Favourite Youtuber: Dan & Phil
Favourite Song: no idea
Favourite Undertale Soundtrack: Death by Glamour, Spider Dance, Battle Agaisnt A True Hero, Spear of Justice
Hobbies: Drawing, nonsense, and other things
Nicknames/Othernames: Kitty, Lady Penelope, goathappy
Interests: Undertale, Dan and Phil, A bunch of other youtubers, some anime, pokemon(obviously lol) and other stuff I forgot
I like turquoise and salmon pink. I also like cats
Ok other things:
Favourite Pokemon: Umbreon, articuno, delphox. And that's the short list
Favourite Animal: Goat
Favourite Colour: Turquoise
Favourite Show: Steven Universe or something
Favourite Fictional Character: Tsukishima Kei <3
Favourite Cat Type: Tortoise Shell
Favourite Undertale Character: Undyne
Favourite Number: 1678 or 7
Favourite Food: Pesto Pasta all the way
Favourite Youtuber: Dan & Phil
Favourite Song: no idea
Favourite Undertale Soundtrack: Death by Glamour, Spider Dance, Battle Agaisnt A True Hero, Spear of Justice
Hobbies: Drawing, nonsense, and other things
I hope that's sufficient lol.
Anyways my friend has gotten into dan and Phil now and she makes all these references all the time and thinks I don't get them.
I have been into d&p for a very long time please stop I get your joke.
Also she's playing undertale and didn't know you could spare toriel
I also got up to the undyne the undying fight so yeah
Also me and my family watch AGT and there are always these people who are like 11 or something and pls stop comparing me to them thanks.
ALSO it's my friends birthday tomorrow so I'm making arts.
My old diary is at specifically 300 clicks.
I'm going to try to keep it that way
Also I messed up drawing around 3838 times and I have football and basketball what am I doing I won't get this done in time