Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Forum Games → MAFIA!Your representative has been slotted into this game below.
GAME 9 @ JUNE 5 (48/24 Phase Lengths w/ 10 PM EST)
@Aoi Magi (Atheist Forums)
@Archangel (Straight Dope)
@Loki (GreyWolf Addicts)
@Nishinoya (PokeHeroes)
@Pac (JetNation)
@Precarious (Kongregate)
@Prophylaxis (MyAnimeList)
@Ryker (Smashboards)
@SilverKeith (MafiaLandia)
@SpankGangsta (What the Heol?!)
@spookymilk (Casa de Leche)
@Superjolt (PokeCommunity)
@TheWhoDoctor (Pokemon Showdown)
@Yeti (Smogon)
@Zoomzip (Play Diplomacy)
Do you wish to spectate and/or talk with players from other communities?
We have a big chat on Discord (300+ members) for those that want to spectate and talk about these games. The representatives will be added to this channel too after they die. Or if you just want to chat with people from other communities, we have a general chat too that is unrelated to the Mafia Championship.
1) CLICK HERE TO JOIN: [url][/url]
2) Tag one of the red or blue people in the chat (write [MENTION=8963]Thingyman[/MENTION] or @staff for example), let them know who you are and from what community, and they'll give you the necessary permissions to see the spectator channel. This is necessary to avoid the wrong people (the representatives and their backups) joining the channel.
You don't need to have Discord installed in order to join the channel, as there is a web version.
Do you want to have your own private community spectator chat?
This is definitely both allowed and encouraged. However, I ask that you please do everything possible to make this chat private and inaccessible to your representative, backup and your representative's opponents. It's important that your thoughts and comments don't influence the game. In other words, please don't post about the game in public threads -- this is very important.
Where do I get more info?
Refer to this thread: [url][/url]
This thread will tell you all the details about this season. It also includes the list of participating communities and their representatives.
If you need to get in contact with me, my Skype is "thingyman" and my Discord is "Thingyman#6075". From this point on I will be checking in less on the various sites. I will make sure to pop in again though when your representative's game starts and post a link :)
Nah, nah, don't over-react. It's about the Mafia Championships. ^w^
Thank you for the update! I contacted Sentarou about signing up on the site by the way. I'm looking forward to the game(s) and hope that I (and Sen of course) will be able to represent our community good ;u;
We were contacted about the Championships (or rather, Mallow was contacted and told us about it) and we were to choose a representantive for our community.
This thread will not be involved in any way, so don't worry about it.
And now the discussion about this should stop.
That being said, the Night is still going - I'll keep doing my job as Overseer, so PalPad your actions and get your votes in if you haven't already.