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[L][CLOSED] Shadow Lottery
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Contests → User-made contests → [L][CLOSED] Shadow Lottery
Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2018 13:36 (7 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I'd like to participate in your Lottery.
Username: NovaShine666
Items I'm sending are:
1 Dragon Gem
6 Water Gems
Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2018 18:20 (7 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: WhiteForestTheWolf
Items I am sending: hashtag and gems (if i have them)
TeMiE OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 16
Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2018 21:48 (7 Years ago)
Title: #DittoLottery
Larka OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 47
Forum Posts: 78
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2018 23:43 (7 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: Larka
Items I am sending:
- Water Gems x 46
- Star Piece x1
- PD x 100k
Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 01/03/2018 07:25 (7 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: ProUser
Items I am sending: 3 Dragon gems and 400k pd which makes a total
of 550 Tickets.
Forum Posts: 498
Posted: Thu, 01/03/2018 13:43 (7 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: pokehero87
Items I am sending: 1 dragon gem
Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 01/03/2018 14:22 (7 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Items I am sending:
-1Dragon Gem
-2 Water Gem
-3 Fairy Gem
54 tickets
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 01/03/2018 16:04 (7 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: Kaelishu
Items I am sending:
15 water gems
4 Fairy gems
1 Dragon gem
1000 PD
and shared <3
should be about 63 tickets c:
Kash OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 27
Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sat, 03/03/2018 08:47 (7 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Items I am sending:50 water gems
please click
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 06:57 (6 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Items I am sending:1 starpiece
Hey danuwa i am not able to send star piece through gts...
I would like to give pd for tickets
Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 15:18 (6 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Items I am sending:
- 9 Dragon Gem
-2 Star Piece
-And 1 forum post for day
551 Tickets
Yume OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 71
Forum Posts: 26
Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 15:39 (6 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: Yume
Items I am sending:
- 3 Dragon Gem
- 3 Bottle Massages
- 1 Share
301 Tickets
-Eifie OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 47
Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 16:54 (6 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: EeveePower
Items I am sending: 3k PD and 4 water gems
Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 20:19 (6 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: Yamayama-kun
Items I am sending: Dragon Gem (ich have 5)
I send 5 Dragon Gems
Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 05:53 (6 Years ago)
Title: for ditto lotery
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: HumanVoltz
Items I am sending: 4 fairy gems, 20 water gems and 1 dragon gem +
1 share for a total of 65 tickets if im right
Have a nice day ^^
Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 06:11 (6 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: PokeliciousBae
Items I am sending: 1k pd and shared hashtag
Forum Posts: 167
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 06:43 (6 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: XtremeGaming9326
Items I am sending: 10,000 PD
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: XtremeGaming9326
Items I am sending: 8 water gems
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 06:55 (6 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Items I am sending: 14000 PD+14XWater GEM+Shared Hastag
Forum Posts: 184
Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 19:50 (6 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: ~Bella~
Items I am sending: 20 Fairy gems, 3 water gems, 5k pd, and 1
29 tickets.
Danuwa OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 106
Forum Posts: 244
Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 19:54 (6 Years ago)
20 Fairy = 20 Tickets
3 Water = 1Ticket
5k = 5 Tickets
Share = 1 Ticket
= 27 Tickets // not 29 as you wrote