- Player name: Ganz
- Item(s)/Pokemon: Nidoran(M), Diglett, Doduo, Krabby
- Total value: 4K
- Payment form: PD
- Form message: “The lone wolf is never truly alone”
Hey Larka, I would like to place an order!
- Player name:
- Item(s)/Pokemon: Green Key x4, Pink Key x1, Purple Key x2, Gold
Key x1 (15k pd each)
Brown Box x1, Dark Blue Box x9, Light Blue Box x3, Pink Box x7, Red
Box x4
- Total value: 325,000
- Payment form: PD
- Form message: “The lone wolf is never truly alone”
Hey Larka, I would like to place an order!
- Player name: Miky
- Item(s)/Pokemon: Star Piece x3, Skull Fossil x2
- Total value: 170k pd
- Payment form: I have an already hatched Shiny Ponyta I could
trade, but if you're not interested I can very well pay in PD~
- Form message: “The lone wolf is never truly alone”
I'm going to PalPad you since there is a problem with that
Right now, I would prefer to sell the items. So your order is
confirmed (3 star piece and 2 skull fossil). Please send PD then
I'll send the items. Thank you
Your order is confirmed. Please send PD then I'll send the items.
Thank you
Hey Larka, I would like to place an order!
- Player name: McCree
- Item(s)/Pokemon: Star Piece, 14 Rock Gems
- Total value: 57K
- Payment form: Pd
- Form message: “The lone wolf is never truly alone”
Hey Larka, I would like to place an order!
- Player name: RandoMan246
- Item(s)/Pokemon: All dark gems
- Total value: Idk can you tell me how much exactly is your dark
- Payment form: Gems
- Form message: “The lone wolf is never truly alone”
Hi guys! I'm currently on a Shiny Mega Absol hunt I’m also looking for Dark Gems please
pm me I mean we can dream right..... Right?
Hey Larka, I would like to place an order!
- Player name: jadeperks
- Item(s)/Pokemon:25 psychic gems, 1 nincada
- Total value: 15k
- Payment form: pd
- Form message: “The lone wolf is never truly alone”
Please remember to read the SHOP RULES
specifically about only placing an order through the forum using
the form listed in Rule 9.
I have been receiving a number of PalPad messaging asking to buy
items. Please use the form in Rule 9 to place orders, and only
PalPad me if I do not get back to you within 24 hours.
Hey Larka, I would like to place an order!
- Player name: LuciferMorningstar
- Item(s):
-- Rock Gem x37
-- Water Gem x10
-- Dark Gem x8
-- Ghost Gem x17
-- Ice Gem x11
-- Psychic Gem x19
-- Steel Gem x20
-- Fairy Gem x4 (1k pd each)
- Total value: 65000
- Payment form: pd
- Form message: “The lone wolf is never truly alone”