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Kittyj's Random Diary....

Forum-Index Diaries Kittyj's Random Diary....
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 08:42 (8 Years ago)
Hello Diary,

I find Dear Diary quite boring don't you? I always had a diary though, I never really was able to keep track of it. I have like 6 of them but, none of them are finished. I remember one of my recent ones was actually transformed into a computer and I was talking to another imaginary person on the other side of the "screen". It was quite interesting. I wonder where it went. The next day, in my time, has already started but I haven't gone to sleep yet. Life on Pokeheros is always quiet. I don't have anyone to talk to really. It gets a bit lonely but, I've gotten use to it already after staying home for many months away from school.

My little sister, who also plays Pokeheros but no longer comes on that often, told me to play Monster Super League because, it was similar to Summoners War. I don't really mind it though the 3D modes aren't that great....Wonder when she is coming back online.

I've sent some Eevee plushies to some random people recently. It brought a bit of happiness to one of the lucky people. Maybe I should do this more often, you know.

Pokemon Sun and Moon have been out for a while. Never got a chance to play them. Nor Diamond, Pearl, and Platnium. Or X and Y. HeartGold, Soul Silver.... The only ones I have played were Emerald (basically completed it and became champion but that battle stuff is super hard) and FireRed (how do you beat the Elite 4?) Played them both in emulators. Sorry! I've also played some fan made games like Pokemon Reborn. I like it very much. Problem is...I think I've leveled my Pokemon up too quickly...I don't remember. It's been a while. Currently, I'm looking for more fan made pokemon games or emulators.

I'm also working on the advent calender. Hopefully, I'll be able to complete it this year!

I've also been seeing some cool sprites recently. Like whole maps even!!! I kinda want to make a request...though...I'm a little uncertain at the same time...

Ah! That's enough rambling for me today! Maybe see you tomorrow? Actually, later today?

From, the nobody that watches the world,

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 08:48 (8 Years ago)
Hiya Diary!

It's once again another quiet day....Not much life these days honestly. Nobody to talk too... Honestly, I can't believe I didn't complete day 2! Gahh! Wish it did. ;n; Makes me a little upset. I forgot to mention yesterday that an art contest I join results are out! It was pokemon-themed this time though there was another topic to draw too. Sadly, I didn't win but, I technically got an honorable mention though he didn't mention me specifically. Well...that's it for today! I can't be on much longer since, I have a doctor's appointment the next day...well technically today. lel. See ya next time!

The quiet nobody,

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 09/12/2016 20:42 (8 Years ago)
"What kind of pokemon are you? How do you do the things you do? ~ ♪"

Heso Diary!!

Gahh!! Natewantstobattle's pokemon covers are soo good!!! I'm like going through all of them. I mean he collaborated with some of my favorite youtubers!!! Like Amelee! Ahap! Can't leave it just like this. Gotta credit him.

Link cuz why not! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgzTP-rxr-M

Ahh? What's heso? Oh...it's just something I'm referencing to One Piece. Though...it's as quiet as usual. I'm still tired from all that screaming I've done yesterday when playing Dead by Daylight with my brother... They just released a new killer and she scares me so much... Those traps are seriously scaring me to death. Jumpscares 4 days. Though...my brother just keeps on bullying the people who play The Hag (new killer). One even rage quit, unable to catch my big brother. //sighs But, it was so funny either way.

Luckily, I've been clearing the advent calendar pretty well. I only missed the second day because of the hatching of the eggs... ;n;

Catch ya next time! I've got generators to fix, rank 20s to save, and killers to escape! We'll make it! (that's a perk btw~)

The gamer nobody,
