Forum Thread
My diary, mostly drawings :'d
Forum-Index → Diaries → My diary, mostly drawings :'dIn this thread I will be posting drawings people have done for me, and I will put some from myself too xD but please, don't steal drawings, at least ask me ;w; <3 thankies!
So, let's begin c:
Own drawings:

This drawing was one of the winners in a Pokemon Art Academy drawing contest ^^ even though mine was not the winner, it was in 3rd place and I'm really proud of it <3

From fwiends:

made by someone :x

made by Xion

made by Lizzagna

made by Cwend

Made by NoctisLC

Made by Rhunes
Hope you like them! :33
Dedenne (#52)
Sentret (#53)
Pachirisu (#113) (#122)
Ponyta (#73)
Magikarp (#52)
Girafarig (#28)
Weedle (#94, #121, #128, #186, #199, #237, #271, #274, #337, #341 & 1 m-able)
Aipom (#79)
Pancham (#53)
Druddigon (#79)
Poliwag (#49, #129, #210)
Tangela (#87)
Elekid (#73, #74, #77)
Larvitar (#92)
Castform (#84)
Sigilyph (#45, #60, #87)
Charmander (#65, #91, #113, #139, #141 & 2 m-able Y)
Psyduck (#45)
Shellos (West) (#50)
Buizel (#44)
Roggenrola (#49)
Spinarak (#58, #82, #86)
Sandygast (#48, #58)
Rowlet (#71, #73, #82, #85, #101)
Popplio (#79, #132, #142, #186, #229)
Scraggy (#45, #56, #62, #93)
Gible (Lab)
Wishiwashi (#111, #215, #216)
Carnivine (#65, #118)
Pumpkaboo (#43, #50)
Purrloin (#70, #149)
Tyrogue (#53)
Swablu (#34, #47, #49) (#3, #30, #55, #68, #74) (#14)
Seedot (#45, #151, #185, #188, #194, #223)
Blitzle (#44)
Sewaddle (#100)
Nimbeis are closed species of Rhunes. Please, ask her anything before doing any! ^^ <3

( Frequency: common )
[ This Nimbei was once a simple, grey common one. But once it's love for another Nimbei didn't got requited, so it's heart broke. From that moment on, it only has the same, sad face. It rarely opens it's eyes, so nobody knows what they look like.
Because of it's broken heart, the "fur" turned bloody-red on some places... ]
Credits to Rhoo for making the cute kawaii face nimbei <3
Hazai (small)

( Frequency: rare )
[ This nimbei can rarely be found in the forest near rivers. It's a tiny relaxed nimbei who enjoys being in silent places. It loves darkness so it can show its lights to everyone who is watching. It doesn't like being with humans the most, but it will be very happy once a human gives it any kind of cookie. Also, it hardly ever opens one of its eyes (which got hurt in a battle) because it's afraid others will laugh at it. ]