Forum Thread
adopt a floof ☆
Forum-Index → Fanmades → adopt a floof ☆═════════════════
☆ a d o p t - a - f l o o f ☆
hello, I'm ray, and I have a bunch of floofs up for adoption!
you can adopt one, request one or order a custom!
these are super quick to do, and are therefore free, but please follow the rules ☆
☆ r u l e s ☆
☆ all regular pokeheroes rules apply
☆ please use the form
☆ all floofs are free, but I always appreciate a tip of some nuggets, PD or shinies ♡
☆ I reserve the right to decline your adoption application / request
☆ hide your signature so I know you read the rules
☆ requested floofs will be put up the the available floofs section
☆ you may edit the reference sheets by erasing the pallette, adding filters,
cropping or adding a background, but that is it
☆ you may not make your own floof
☆ you may order art of floofs, just please credit the design back to this thread
☆ floofs are not for resale
☆ f o r m ☆
════════════════════☆ f o r m ☆
[color=#7D655D][b]hey ray, I'd like to adopt a
floof! ☆[/b]
[size=8]name of the floof:
did you read the rules thoroughly:
what can you do to the reference sheet:
anything else:
[size=8]name of the floof:
did you read the rules thoroughly:
what can you do to the reference sheet:
anything else:
☆ p r e - m a d e - f l o o f s ☆
☆ shortcake
☆ percy
☆ crimson
☆ midnight
☆ shadow
☆ creamsicle
☆ f o r m ☆
═════════════════☆ f o r m ☆
[color=#7D655D][b]hey ray, I'd like to request a
floof! ☆[/b]
[size=8]colours + designs:
did you read the rules thoroughly:
[size=8]colours + designs:
did you read the rules thoroughly:
☆ r e q u e s t s ☆
☆ once completed, they will be put in the up for adoption section
☆ if you want to be notified when the floof is completed, please mention this in the "other" section.
☆ if you want the request to go automatically to you, it costs 10k PD. please mention this in the "other" section
☆ if you want to make your own custom, please palpad me so we can discuss it
☆ a d o p t e d ☆
☆ click to see full image and who adopted ☆
colours + designs: can it be /dark to light/ fushia,light pink and purple with dark purple tribal designs?please?
did you read the rules thoroughly: yus!
Other can this be MY very own floof? I'll pay 10k and keep it as a child o0o
colours + designs: Galaxy, star like please! Black, blue and purple mix, almost like a gradient if that makes sense
did you read the rules thoroughly: Yes!
other: Hopefully this won't be too much but if it is you don't have to do the design! You can just do the colors! Thank you! Oh also sorry for forgetting this may I have the floof go automatically to me? Thank you! I'm paying you 10k
hey ray, I'd like to adopt a floof! ☆
name of the floof: strawberry
did you read the rules thoroughly: 3x times
what can you do to the reference sheet: kill the palllette, add filters for colourchanges, cut stuff away and change the background (though I like the ref sheet design so I won't mess with it ;D)
anything else: I'd give you a shiny Sentret for it owo
☆ u p d a t e ☆
☆ added an "adopted" section so people can see past requests / adoptions
☆ "tips" section coming soon to show who has paid more than required [tipped]
☆ if anybody wants a fresh influx of available adopts, palpad me!
☆ r e q u e s t s ☆
☆ for @peridorito and @opposite

name of the floof:Sunset ~
did you read the rules thoroughly: indeed I did!
what can you do to the reference sheet: Crop/Add filters/ remove Color pallette/ add background
anything else: tipping 2k and giving love to the floof ^^