Snow nodded Grayson then called out his Zebstrika. "Let's go gang"
he ordered before riding out of his hide out.
Tiger was almost in Snowfall Cyndaquil had a worried expression on
his face. "Do you think Gale actual joined them" he asked his
trainer softly. Tiger just replied in a bitter., and low tone "I
don't care...if she wants to be a traitor fine. If she doesn't
good...why should I care" he said lowly.
(sorry i was gone, i'll jump in here)
*during the morning*
Hornet got up sleepily, and shook their head.
"Oh... wait a second! I'm forgetting something..."
Hornet put on their hat, and looked around the shelter.
"Oh yeah! I was supposed to go talk to those people from the fight
to ask what was going on.
Hornet set off on their Gogoat to get to the abandoned town.
*timeskip to now*
Hornet stared at the old, broken houses.
"Wow... I wonder what it was like before. Who lived here?"
Snow hid behind a bush as he waited for Tiger to leave the berry
store. He then saw his brother get onto War and nodded to Grayson.
"Alright lets go" he said lowly.
Grayson nodded "attack" he called out. Snow nodded, and whistled
for Poliwrath the Pokemon used a hydro pump knocking War sideways,
and sending Tiger skidding across the dirt ground. "Ouch" Tiger
growled angrily as he slid, he then looked at Cyndaquil before
yelling an alarm for the town.
Cyndaquil growled, and glanced at Tiger slightly. "Cyndaquil watch
out" Tiger ordered Cyndaquil got hit with the mega horn and
growled. "Now" Tiger commanded Cyndaquil nodded and began to glow
quickly. Snow growled "no you don't" he said and nodded to
Poliwrath. The Pokemon then used a power up punch. Tiger blinked
and tackled the Poliwrath, as he did so he got hit with the power
up punch. "War use stomp quick" Tiger commanded. War nodded and
used stomp on Snow knocking him over.
"Just fine" Snow said lowly. Tiger glared at Snow, and Gale. He was
panting hard from being hit by power up punch. He then looked over
to Cyndaquil who was now a Typhlosion with purple flames, and
darker blue fur. "Typhloquil....u...use brick break" Tiger said and
gasped for breath. Poliwrath growled and ran at the strange
Typhlosion he used an Icebeam, and Typhloquil used a brick break.
Both Pokemon got hit. "You both are traitors" Tiger growled lowly.
Snow then narrowed his eyes and whistled Pikachu then ran into the
battle and used a volt tackle on Tiger. Grayson was using a Lucario
to rob the berry shop. The Lucario ran out of the store with a bag
of berries. He noticed Typhloquil and used an aura sphere in the
Tiger growled as both moves hit him. "I...I should have never
trusted you" he said lowly. He then collapsed to the ground and
growled as he struggled to breath. "Pikachu now's our chance finish
this with one more volt tackle" Snow said darkly. Tiger then
grunted and looked at War the Pokemon then ran in the way and took
the move. " this you want dad's Pokemon to
live...killing your brother over a stupid gang" Tiger managed to
force out. War didn't move from where he stood, he was narrowing
his eyes at the two grunts. "And as for you Gale, I hope you're
happy...I knew who the prisoner was...I..I tried to free
I'm questioning that" he finished with a darker growl.
Tiger growled as he got hit once more. He then looked at Typhloquil
weakly. The Typhlosion ran at Gale and growled angrily, he then
used a flamethrower on Flaffy. "Leave Tiger alone" he growled
angrily. Snow snarled angrily, "Pikachu use iron tail on Tiger now"
he ordered Pikachu nodded and jumped over War. Tiger then got hit
and stopped moving just play dead...never allow your attacker to
think they've lost. Especially if you can't win the battle
Tiger remembered the words his father told him when Ho-Oh attacked.
Tiger then held his breath and waited for Gale and Snow to see if
he was dead or not.
Samurott shot a scald to intercept the flamethrower, leaving a mist
of warm steam. He took the chance to find Typhloquil and used
megahorn. Gale walked over to Tiger and carefully picked him up
"He's not dead, perhaps unconscious but his heart is still
beating." She said to Snow.
"Thank finish him" Snow ordered lowly. Tiger then growled and
opened his eyes. "Let me go traitor" he said angrily and pushed
Gale weakly. He was covered in burns, and cuts as he stood there
panting. "She's not the traitor you are" Snow growled, and Pikachu
used volt tackle on Tiger once more.
Tiger growled and looked st Typhloquil the Pokemon took
Fletchinder's move. Before looking at his injured friend.
" are nothing but a traitor, and a jerk" Typhloquil said
angrily and looked around. Dusk then landed near Tiger and mega
evolved he glared at Gale. "You again" he growled and saw Snow as
Dusk growled "I don't attack women, but it seems you betray my
friend not once, but twice" he growled lowly. Typhloquil narrowed
his eyes and growled as well. "No....don't attack" Tiger managed to
get out. Dusk looked over his shoulder in disbelief. "But Tiger you
could die" he said in shock, and fear. Tiger shrugged "I'm already
injured..I lost. If I can still escape then I'll be happy with
that, but if they want to kill me then let that be on their
conscious" he said lowly. He glared at Snow who was flinching I
know Snow doesn't have the guts to finish me...though I'm unsure
about Gale...if she tries to finish me off..then I need to signal
Dusk to get me out of here quick he thought to himself very
Gale thought of ways to not have to kill Tiger. She could suggests
imprisoning him and the rare mega charizard or she could play
defeated so they could have a chance to escape. Instead she waited
for someone to do or say what could affect Tiger's fate.