Forum Thread
The Elemental War
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Elemental WarWhen Caleb saw Ivy he quickly hugged her crying like a lost child that found his mother. He felt thankful because of this, because of Ivy the love his life. The person who gave him everything that he has needed... Hope... the only thing that we needed in the first place, not war, not death and certainly not despair. "I'm sorry..." he silently cried as a tears finally stopped. " I'm sorry my love, I'm sorry."
Shiro scratched his head because he was confused of was currently happening, "Is my crybaby big brother actually dating someone?" he asked himself "And someone who is hot?! Caleb was right I don't know him at all, well... not anymore." *Sigh* " The Earth Kingdom... so over-dramatic..." he said aloud.
Caleb- because of those two lovebirds- felt happier, and because they can still be happy in times like these. It felt like there wasn't a war that will turn all our kingdoms to dust, it felt like there weren't any killings happening for the sake of a feud of four kingdoms, It felt that there was only peace and joy.
It was relaxing, being around people she trusted. Maybe there didn't have to be war. She knew that would never happen. There would always be war. There is no stopping it forever. But a temporary truce wouldn't hurt anybody.. It never has, right?
Caleb stood up and said " Yeah, Dead bodies can cause deceased carrying scavengers, mosquitoes and maybe even decay dragons to come and eat them." Then he looked around the battlefield." Ms. Flare can you help us carry the fallen to their respective kingdom?" he asked kindly to his former crush.
" Hmm... Why not?" Shiro answer to his brother's offer. " We should do my kingdom first."
Caleb nodded.
Caleb his power to carry all the fire kingdom's fallen to the fire kingdom's graveyard, while Shiro made caskets of materialized light.
After a bit longer, she began to feel dizzy and sat down, shaking away her headache and continuing to follow Shiro and Caleb.
" Thank you Flare, I can take it from here." Shiro said to Flare " You've done enough, I think you need some rest. You look like a dried tomato, in a scorching hot day." Even though Flare was annoying from time to time, he cares deeply about her.
Now that the brothers were fully rested they, they continued witht the Earth Kingdom's Corpses. This time Shiro was the one who carried the dead to the Earth kingdom's cemetary, while Caleb was one who was making the caskets and tombstones and making it with the fallen's name and with a simple words of praise, like 'here Lies Drake, He was burnt to death.'
(( :0 ))
Temare sighed , everything is finally okay . Maybe they can wait for end of war here ?