Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Websites(Accepting)Rules + Extra Information
-Please don't kill another character without permission from me, and the owner of that character.
-PH rules.
-No powerplaying, bunnying, mary sue, and one linners, yadda yadda.
-Please say 'OKEY' in the other section so i can make sure you read the rules.
-You can also be a Virus, but then you have to accept that you can probably die any second. With acceptance of course.
-If your planning to kill the king, contact me first, or your out.
-Three strikes breaking the rules, and your out.
-Regarding to looks, feel free to be whatever you wish like animal, humanoid, pokemon.. You name it.
-If any questions, please ask me through PM or PalPad, not in this thread.
-You can only have 2 characters maximum. Sorry!
-Your website name should NOT be a real one.
-Romance is allowed, but a kiss or a hug is enough, please don't go further.
The King: 200/200 health
Websites born every second: 20.012
Virus's born every second: 15.124
RP created: x
Website name(None if Virus):
Virus or Website?:
Type of website(don't answer if Virus):
My form
Name: Maximus
Gender: Male
Appearance: x
Website name(None if Virus): AdoptAFun
Personality: Loves being surrounded by other people, but will act like he doesn't care. He can't really controle that, so he has a hardtime making friends. And he really doesn't care for you either, only if you bring something cute to him.
Virus or Website?: Website.
Type of website?(don't answer if Virus): Animal adoptable website
Other: --
Name: Sally
Gender: Female
Appearance: x
Website name(None if Virus): ---
Personality: Don't let her cuteness fool you, she doesn't like making friends. She is cold, and don't think she will warm up to you. She is short tempered, so one mistake, and you will try to survive this pup's strength.
Virus or Website?: Virus.
Type of website(don't answer if Virus): --
Other: --
Gender: Genderless (they / them)
Appearance: finished !
Website name(None if Virus): nupe
Personality: Milo is timid, and usually isolated from everybody else. They don't like loud noises, and are scared of crowds, so that's why they're always hiding. Milo is a really big crybaby, in fact, and their entire body is oversensitive to touching. They like helping people a lot, and always try to find a way to be helpful (their parents ignored them when they were little), and if they don't, they have an 100% chance of crying. Despite being a virus, Milo despises this fact. They have tried to make friends with some quieter websites before, but were always avoided or screamed at.
Virus or Website?: Virus
Type of website(don't answer if Virus): nada
Other: Milo actually can't fully transform into anything yet--they can only transform partially. (ex. a Skopuri tail, Sandshrew body, Mew head.)
i see we have a small amount of websites :d
Name: Pena
Gender: Non-binary (they / them)
Appearance: all in here <3
Website name(None if Virus): LoveforEveryone
Personality: check the link again ~
Virus or Website?: Website
Type of website(don't answer if Virus): Kinda like Tinder
Other: OKEY

Name: Lyra
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here
Website name(None if Virus): LandOfAdventure
Personality: Say Hello to Lyra The Firestarter ! This NPC Character is maybe friendly and nice but dont forget - we have reasons to call her Firestarter . She is the number 1 in teamwork but if you send her to do something alone ... welp , lets say that it propably dont ends well ! She is brave but only when she is surounded by her friends , if she is alone she will turn into depressed cry baby ! Oh , also she loves to sing and if she hear a song she knows she will start sing along ... No matter what situacion is , one day she had to save a bird stuck on tree but she heard Skyrim Theme and it took us 5 minutes to make her stop singing !
Virus or Website?: Website !
Type of website(don't answer if Virus): Browser Game (Something like Animal Jam)
Other: .. Did i mentioned that she is Nerd ? OKEY
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here
Website name(None if Virus): LandOfAdventure
Personality: Say Hello to Lyra The Firestarter ! This NPC Character is maybe friendly and nice but dont forget - we have reasons to call her Firestarter . She is the number 1 in teamwork but if you send her to do something alone ... welp , lets say that it propably dont ends well ! She is brave but only when she is surounded by her friends , if she is alone she will turn into depressed cry baby ! Oh , also she loves to sing and if she hear a song she knows she will start sing along ... No matter what situacion is , one day she had to save a bird stuck on tree but she heard Skyrim Theme and it took us 5 minutes to make her stop singing !
Virus or Website?: Website !
Type of website(don't answer if Virus): Browser Game (Something like Animal Jam)
Other: .. Did i mentioned that she is Nerd ? OKEY

Name: Oreo (VERY CREATIVE !)
Gender: Genderless , She/Her
Appearance: Here
Website name(None if Virus):
Personality: Oh , Look who is there ! Everyones favorite DragoEagFalcosHorsus , This girl is one of those nice viruses who loves to fight just becouse why not ! She is very playfull and she is like big puppy , throw her a stick and she caches it .... and snap it in half with her teeths ! Yes , she has teeths inside her beak , dont ask how its possible becouse we have no idea ! Maybe her brain is not very intellinent her heart will always lead her ...and also her love for every kind of sweets . She joined this jorney to help viruses beat websites , welp , nobody told her that this isnt game and she can get herself killed ! Or maybe they told her and she only forgetted ? WHO KNOWS !
Virus or Website?: Virus
Type of website(don't answer if Virus):
Other: I made this characters with :3
Gender: Genderless , She/Her
Appearance: Here
Website name(None if Virus):
Personality: Oh , Look who is there ! Everyones favorite DragoEagFalcosHorsus , This girl is one of those nice viruses who loves to fight just becouse why not ! She is very playfull and she is like big puppy , throw her a stick and she caches it .... and snap it in half with her teeths ! Yes , she has teeths inside her beak , dont ask how its possible becouse we have no idea ! Maybe her brain is not very intellinent her heart will always lead her ...and also her love for every kind of sweets . She joined this jorney to help viruses beat websites , welp , nobody told her that this isnt game and she can get herself killed ! Or maybe they told her and she only forgetted ? WHO KNOWS !
Virus or Website?: Virus
Type of website(don't answer if Virus):
Other: I made this characters with :3
Gender: Genderfluid
Website name(None if Virus): ---
Xenrey is a rebel and will do everthing to break the rules. Xenrey often will harm anyone who refers to them with the wrong pronouns.
Virus or Website?: Virus
Type of website(don't answer if Virus): ---
Other: OKEY
Name: Okoru
Gender: Female
Website name(None if Virus): ---
Okoru is very protective, and is a bit touchy. She treats Xenrey like a little sister. Often, she will start to cry over the littlest things.
Virus or Website?: Virus
Type of website(don't answer if Virus): ---
Gender: Genderless, male pronuns
Appearance: Dronetone looks a lot like this drone, but with a happy face on its top, and its top facing fowards. Instead of a camera, he has nothing- though, when he wants to do stuff, he can make a claw come out.
Website name: Objektones
Personality: TBRP
Virus or Website?: Website
Type of website: Adoptable
Other: OKEY
Name: Skree
Gender: Male
Appearance: Hes basically just a purple glitch with a evil face, but can assume other forms.
Personality: TBRPED
Virus or Website?: Virus
Other: OKEY
Gender: Female
Appearance: X
Website name(None if Virus): FluffyAdoptables
Personality: TBRPED
Virus or Website?: Website
Type of website(don't answer if Virus): Adoptable (So many adoptables)
Other: OKEY
