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Forum Thread

Team Plasma Army

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Inactive Clubs Team Plasma Army
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Wed, 05/11/2014 00:18 (10 Years ago)
@xelblade12345 Your forum is incorrect and is now rejected you didn't read the rules and you didn't fill out the forum right please do not comment on this thread anymore.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 12:50 (10 Years ago)
I won a shiny banette in a raffle so the makes my 4th shiny, plus a friends hunting me an eevee and another friend will hunt me purrlion later ^-^

so expect a lot lately


⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these assets!

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,501
Posted: Mon, 10/11/2014 21:34 (10 Years ago)
That is good. The Daycare Man is taking his time getting me Psyduck eggs for my hunt. so far so good i guess.
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Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido Hype~!

~Sprites Made By CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen~
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 205
Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 03:45 (10 Years ago)

Title: i okay now?

My Name is: Shaymin_Lover
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: i try to get a lot of shinyes
Do I have a Pokeradar?: yes
My shinies so far are:delphox
How many shinies I have so far: 1
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: i hunting piplup
My favorite color is: red
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: because N is there
The link to my shiny storage box is: http://pokeheroes.com/userboxes.php?name=Shaymin_Lover&box=6
A rule that the man in black told me is: Be sure to subscribe so that you can receive updates and alerts from this thread and be active.

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 98
Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 13:24 (10 Years ago)
Hi guys...its really been long since I've been active...haven't done ant shiny hunt too...but...hve got a Ditto... :) so i think its really been worthwhile not shiny hunting for a while... :)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,184
Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 21:14 (10 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Thu, 25/12/2014 00:55 (10 Years ago)
I have nine shiny's now.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,184
Posted: Thu, 25/12/2014 02:15 (10 Years ago)
I have 4 now
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Sun, 11/01/2015 12:44 (10 Years ago)
[all my shinnies are now in my signature!~]

BTW PEOPLE!~ I've decided to evolve Zero lol


⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these assets!

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 254
Posted: Fri, 16/01/2015 21:48 (10 Years ago)
Sorry about being gone for so long! I am still alive
I had a problem with my old computer. Its fixed now!
Proud Team Plasma Member

Credit To Queen_Pumkaboo, Edited by me

Ask Me Dumb q's
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 68
Posted: Wed, 28/01/2015 14:44 (10 Years ago)
Well it's been a while since I posted hear but I've hatched two shiny Pokemon so far. One being a Hawlucha and the other being Furfrou:

Here is the update list link http://tinyurl.com/mbldjvh
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- Salursupso - (Uname)
- (Uname)<~~~ Made By FenneCake

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 386
Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 02:25 (10 Years ago)
My Name is:YodelQueen
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because:This seems really cool. And it is great to see how many shines people have.
Do I have a Pokeradar?:Yep
My shinies so far are:Chikorita evolution line,Pidgey, Pidgeot, Starmie, Meditite, Shuppet, Snorunt, Croagunk
How many shinies I have so far:11 amicool
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk:Audino
My favorite color is:Teal
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma:A shinysquad family
The link to my shiny storage box is: My babys
A rule that the man in black told me is:All shinies are allowed, from purple to blue to green to the kind who don’t seem to change at all. However, it is best to have a variety of shinies and large numbers of them to help bulk up the army.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 07:32 (10 Years ago)
My Name is:Adder
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because:i couldnt get into team galactic TT.TT
Do I have a Pokeradar?:yes
My shinies so far are:Retro Delibird
How many shinies I have so far:1
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk:Bulbasaur
My favorite color is:Green
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma:to feel like my shiny hunting isnt me being selfish
The link to my shiny storage box is:here
A rule that the man in black told me is:if you bring up an issue of the thread publicly the leader will most likely kick you out
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 13/02/2015 21:22 (10 Years ago)
May I ask if you have to have a certain number of shinies to join?

Name: Diableus
Adopt one yourself! @[url=http://www.pokemon-adoption.de]Pok
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Fri, 13/02/2015 21:33 (10 Years ago)
@Trainer_Turkeh You can not post if you have not been accepted to this group and that is what rules are for. Please make sure you read the rules before posting.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 18/02/2015 05:22 (10 Years ago)
My Name is: CJWar04
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because:It seems nice to actually join something
Do I have a Pokeradar?:Yes
My shinies so far are: Purrloin and Liepard
How many shinies I have so far is: 2
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: I'm not sure what this really means ,but I'm currently hunting Bulbasaur and I plan to hunt Eevee
My favorite color is: Light blue
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: To actually focus on shiny hunting
The link to my shiny box is:Here
A rule the man in black told me is: If you give Team Plasma a bad name by being disrespectful, pushy, arrogant, rude, racy you will be gladly removed

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 434
Posted: Wed, 18/02/2015 16:05 (10 Years ago)
Luna hasn't been on for months... :/
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Help me with my hunt!(Updates often)

Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Thu, 19/02/2015 10:44 (10 Years ago)
My Name is: CookieOreoKitten (Cookie or Oreo for short)
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: I've heard of this Team Plasma Army on PH a while ago, but I wasn't really interested, but I would like to join now...
Do I have a Pokeradar?: Yes
My shinies so far are:
Snowflake (Named after my dewott in pokemon white version 2)
How many shinies I have so far: One
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: Some day I wanna shiny hunt eevee
My favorite color is: pink, white, yellow, blue...
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: To make new friends
The link to my shiny storage box is: At the moment, my shiny is just in my favourites box.
A rule that the man in black told me is: No minimodding.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Thu, 19/02/2015 18:43 (10 Years ago)
There is really no reason to fill a forum to sing up to team plasma Luna. Has not been on to accept anyone of you.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 04:42 (10 Years ago)
My Name is:RapidashRunner
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: I want to get as many shinys as possible
Do I have a Pokeradar?:Yes
My shinies so far are:Rapidash
How many shinies I have so far:1
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk:Absol, Buneary, Eevee, Riolu,
My favorite color is: Blue, Pink, Black, White, Green
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: A ton of shinys?
The link to my shiny storage box is: Shiny Box
A rule that the man in black told me is: You must have a Pokeradar
Remnant Badge

My Plooshie! Pegasus, Drake, Skiddo
This amazing picture made by SissyFox