Forum Thread
Team Plasma Army
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Team Plasma Armyso expect a lot lately
Title: i okay now?
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: i try to get a lot of shinyes
Do I have a Pokeradar?: yes
My shinies so far are:delphox
How many shinies I have so far: 1
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: i hunting piplup
My favorite color is: red
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: because N is there
The link to my shiny storage box is:
A rule that the man in black told me is: Be sure to subscribe so that you can receive updates and alerts from this thread and be active.
I had a problem with my old computer. Its fixed now!
Here is the update list link
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because:This seems really cool. And it is great to see how many shines people have.
Do I have a Pokeradar?:Yep
My shinies so far are:Chikorita evolution line,Pidgey, Pidgeot, Starmie, Meditite, Shuppet, Snorunt, Croagunk
How many shinies I have so far:11
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk:Audino
My favorite color is:Teal
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma:A shiny
The link to my shiny storage box is: My babys
A rule that the man in black told me is:All shinies are allowed, from purple to blue to green to the kind who don’t seem to change at all. However, it is best to have a variety of shinies and large numbers of them to help bulk up the army.
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because:i couldnt get into team galactic TT.TT
Do I have a Pokeradar?:yes
My shinies so far are:Retro Delibird
How many shinies I have so far:1
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk:Bulbasaur
My favorite color is:Green
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma:to feel like my shiny hunting isnt me being selfish
The link to my shiny storage box is:here
A rule that the man in black told me is:if you bring up an issue of the thread publicly the leader will most likely kick you out
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because:It seems nice to actually join something
Do I have a Pokeradar?:Yes
My shinies so far are: Purrloin and Liepard
How many shinies I have so far is: 2
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: I'm not sure what this really means ,but I'm currently hunting Bulbasaur and I plan to hunt Eevee
My favorite color is: Light blue
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: To actually focus on shiny hunting
The link to my shiny box is:Here
A rule the man in black told me is: If you give Team Plasma a bad name by being disrespectful, pushy, arrogant, rude, racy you will be gladly removed


I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: I've heard of this Team Plasma Army on PH a while ago, but I wasn't really interested, but I would like to join now...
Do I have a Pokeradar?: Yes
My shinies so far are:
Snowflake (Named after my dewott in pokemon white version 2)
How many shinies I have so far: One
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: Some day I wanna shiny hunt eevee
My favorite color is: pink, white, yellow, blue...
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: To make new friends
The link to my shiny storage box is: At the moment, my shiny is just in my favourites box.
A rule that the man in black told me is: No minimodding.
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: I want to get as many shinys as possible
Do I have a Pokeradar?:Yes
My shinies so far are:Rapidash
How many shinies I have so far:1
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk:Absol, Buneary, Eevee, Riolu,
My favorite color is: Blue, Pink, Black, White, Green
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: A ton of shinys?
The link to my shiny storage box is: Shiny Box
A rule that the man in black told me is: You must have a Pokeradar

My Plooshie! Pegasus, Drake, Skiddo