Forum Thread
Team Plasma Army
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Team Plasma ArmyI want to be a member of Team Plasma because: Maybe I'll get better ideas on what shiny hunts I would like to do
My shinies so far are: Electrike
How many shinies I have so far: I've got 2 though one of them have evolve
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: Eevee and maybe Riolu
My favorite color is: Red
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: Make new friends and enjoy shiny hunting more.
A rule that the man in black told me is: You must have a PokeRadar!
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: I want to
My shinies so far are: Cubone, Espeon, Cyndaquil, Easter Bunnelby, Ampharos
How many shinies I have so far: 5
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: Cubone. Which honestly I plan on trading for other shinies.
My favorite color is: Orange
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: A whole army of shinies at my beck and call. Also domination.
A rule that the man in black told me is: Don't be disrespectful to others and tarnish the good name of Team Plasma.
By they way this FC is amazing. So much effort has been put into that intro post, it was a blast reading it.
Awww thanks .3. I decided to go all out on this one, especially since this will be an army some day, gotta make it look fresh. I'll make other posts like that for events such as, but not limited to, shiny hunting challenges, poster making, shiny leveling, etc. etc.
Kind of an RP mixed in with a fan club type of deal .3.
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: ideas for shiny hunts and encouragement on getting shinies
My shinies so far are: easter bunnelby *he will never evolve! lol*
How many shinies I have so far: 1
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: lickitung
My favorite color is: either red or black
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: an army of shinies
A rule that the man in black told me is: I need a pokeradar
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: To capture the members here and make them members of team Pumpkaboo
My shinies so far are: Easter bunnelby (x2), Shiftry, Slurpuff
How many shinies I have so far: 4
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: Slugma. The awesome silver and purple will rule the whole site!
My favorite color is: Silver
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: Hect of an army of purple and silver shinies.
A rule that the man in black told me is: If Luna decided to make new rules, remember to go through "The Rules list" and look for anything new.
To help our shinies become high leveled members of the army I suggest putting all your shinies into one storage box and you will be allowed to link to it here. That way your shinies can hopefully get clicked and become stronger. Now although most of my shinies are in my party currently, here is my shiny box.
Luna's shiny box
And maybe you could put all members' shiny boxes in the first post so people could click it easier.
My Shiny Box
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because:i wanna make more friends and so i can help the team
My shinies so far are:easter bunnelby
How many shinies I have so far:1
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk:scyther
My favorite color is:green
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma:new friends but one main thing shiny hunting
A rule that the man in black told me is:There is no mini modding, either you are appointed as mod or are not, no in between and no exceptions. Mods however, do not have final say on certain decisions, such as but not limited to kicking out members, starting events, making banners, etc.
My badges:

I want to be a member of Team Plasma because:That daycare man may start to give me shinies this way
My shinies so far are: shiny skarmory, elekid, electivire, steelix, pinsir, banette, Easter Bunnelby, Ampharos, Manaphy, Suicune, spritzee, houndour, magby
How many shinies I have so far:14
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: I'm hunting Shelmet
My favorite color is:Red
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma:I want to meet new people and take part in world domination
A rule that the man in black told me is: Be sure to subscribe so that you can receive updates and alerts from this thread and be active.
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: Because I want to see when will we reach the shinies goal (1000 shinies).
My shinies so far are: 1 shiny bulbasaur, 2 shiny ivysaur, 1 shiny venusaur, 1 shiny easter bunnelby, 1 shiny swirlix and 1 shiny electrike.
How many shinies I have so far: 7
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: I am currently hunting bulbasaur, but soon I will hunt for gold (magikarp).
My favorite color is: green
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: I want to help reach the goal of shinies (1000 shinies).
A rule that the man in black told me is: You must own a pokeradar to be a member of team plasma.
Please do not post anymore on this club thank you.
For those who are members of Team Plasma I have edited the first page to include Training and The Lounge with spoilers that have information helpful to you. Please look it over and take the time to see what's what.