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Forum Thread

Berry farm

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Berry farm
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 06:17 (8 Years ago)
How could we add a easier way of getting berries and still make it fair here's your ideas for just that possibly raiko could see one of your ideas and use please do not spam post or offend other people remember were here to have fun.
(Y) (Y)

Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 1,804
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 06:44 (8 Years ago)
Firstly, please actually explain what you want implemented. Don't just say "we need another way"

Secondly, it's Riako not 'Raiko' ^^

Finally, no support since you haven't even explained exactly what it is that you want. Although I think being able to get it from the slots, item shop and prize exchange is enough.

Art credit: gelatin
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 08:30 (8 Years ago)
Doesn't the berry farm already exist?
It's not berries you can feed to Pokemon (If they were it would be broken) but it's still a berry farm! ^ ^