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Isk Design Market

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanarts Isk Design Market
Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 09:28 (10 Years ago)

Pay first, please! Click here to deposit your payment.
Iskandar Design Market © 2014 - 2015

QuoteExtra Service

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Extra Service
*Just say what you want*
*I'll say if it's possible*

QuoteBadge Work

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Badge Work
- Visit this page and copy the link of one badge/icon;
- Provide the link of selected badge/link;
- Choose the size to resize (default is 64x64px);
- Choose the color to recolor;
Sample: Original - Reworked

QuoteExclusive Trainer Card

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Exclusive Trainer Card
- Select the trainer here (Just one allowed) (Link or number needed);
- Choose your party (No animations allowed);
- Choose the text (Really Short);
*You can't choose the number*

Quote3D Avatar

How to Order:
Show hidden content
3D Avatar
- Select the PKMN (Just ONE);
- Select the short text (Optional);
*The original 3D sprite will be used*
*Visit this page to check the 3D sprite of your PKMN*

QuoteMini Banner 2.0

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Mini Banner 2.0
- Select the PKMN (Just ONE);
- Select the short text (max 18 characters);
- Select the amount of lines (1 or 2);
- Animated text or not?

QuoteTroll Widget

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Troll Widget
- Select the PKMN (Just ONE);
- Go to the bottom of this page to create your own troll page;
- Provide the link of your troll page (optional);

QuoteCustom PKMN Widget

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Custom PKMN Widget
- Select the PKMN (Just ONE);
- Provide the link URL of you PKMN;
*3D animated sprite will be used*

Quote(About Me) PKMN Card
15.000 10.000

View Another Sample

How to Order:
Show hidden content
(About Me) PKMN Card
- Select one PKMN or character (only 1);
- Specify the informations of the card
*Also, you can specify a short/medium quote*;

QuotePKMN Animated Intro

How to Order:
Show hidden content
PKMN Animated Intro
- Select the trainer here (will be not animated) (Link or number needed);
- Choose your party (optional) (no animations allowed);
- Choose the text (1st line) (short/medium text);
- Choose the text (2nd line) (short/medium text);
- Choose the color (just one);

QuoteTrainer + Partner

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Trainer + Partner
- Click here then select a trainer (Just one allowed) (Link or number needed);
- Choose your PKMN Partner (Animations are not allowed);
- Choose the animation (PKMN or Trainer);
- Click here then choose an floor type;
- Choose the text (Short);

QuotePKMN Animated Card 2.0

How to Order:
Show hidden content
PKMN Animated Card
- Choose the Pokémon (shiny or not);
- Indicate the gender;
- Choose his name (or default);
*Colors are automatically generated*

QuoteAnimated Fanbar

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Animated Fanbar
- Choose the Text;
- Choose the background (animated or not);
- Choose the pokemon or trainer (animated or not);
- Choose the colors;

QuoteAnimated Post Stamp

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Animated Post Stamp
- Choose the Text (short text);
- Choose the background (animated or not);
- Choose the pokemon or trainer (animated or not);

QuoteCircle Avatar

How to Order:
Show hidden content
- Select the PKMN (Sprites aren't allowed);
- Select the model (1 or 2);
- Select the text (Only for model 2);

QuoteBIG Banner

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Big Banner
- Choose the Model (1 or 2);
- Choose Pokemon or Trainer (1 or more);
- Choose the background color;
- Choose the Texts (Colors too);
*(Animations are not allowed)*

QuoteSignature (Special Frame)

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Signature (Special Frame)
- Choose the Pokemon (max 1);
- Choose the text;
- Choose one of these frames (provides the link);
*(Animations are not allowed)*
*(You can choose another characters instead of PKMN)*

QuoteSignature (Smudge/No Background)

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Signature (Smudge/No Background)
- Choose the Pokemon (sprites are not allowed);
- Choose the text (short/medium);
*(Animations are not allowed)*

QuoteSignature (With Background)

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Signature (C4D)
- Choose the Pokemon (sprites are not allowed);
- Choose the text;
*(Animations are not allowed)*

QuoteCracked Avatar

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Cracked Avatar
- Choose the Model (1, 2 or 3);
- Choose the Avatar Image (Pokemon or trainer or your avatar...);
- Choose the background color (Default is white);
*(Animations are not allowed)*

QuoteFanbar/Userbar - Model 1

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Fanbar/Userbar - Model 1
- Choose the image (PKMN or Trainer);
- Choose the text (short text);
- Choose the second text (optional);
- Enable text animation (yes or no);
- Choose text direction (to right, to left, to top or to bottom);
*(Just text animation allowed)*

QuoteFanbar/Userbar - Model 2

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Fanbar/Userbar - Model 2
- Choose the image (PKMN or Trainer);
- Choose the text (short text);
- Choose the second text (optional);
- Enable text animation (yes or no);
- Choose text direction (to right, to left, to top or to bottom);
*(Just text animation allowed)*

QuotePaper Avatar

How to Order:
Show hidden content
Paper Avatar
- Choose the model (1, 2 or 3);
- Choose the image that you want (PKMN or Trainer or Other);
- Choose the text (short);
*(Animations are not allowed)*


How to Order:
Show hidden content
- Choose the Background Image;
- Choose the amount of buttons (default is 3);
- Choose the text for buttons (links needed);
*(Animations are not allowed)*
*(The cost increases by 2.500 for each button above 3)*
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 363
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 09:43 (10 Years ago)
I would like to order 6 Pokemon Animations from here because your epic.

The 6 Pokemon I need awesome animations for are:
http://pokeheroes.com/pokemon.php?id=243288 - Manectric.
http://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=228727 - Charizard.
http://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=133088 - Hypno.
http://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=178969 - Serperior.
http://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=331333 - Luxray.
http://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=194088 - Venusaur.

I will send the 10000 Pokedollar over right now. Thanks. :)

Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:41 (10 Years ago)
! Shop are Opened !
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 363
Posted: Sun, 04/05/2014 07:45 (10 Years ago)
Trainer card please.

Trainer image Brycen.
Colour blue.
Pokemon in my party.
Sending PD right now.

Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Sun, 04/05/2014 08:05 (10 Years ago)
Hello my friend!

Here is your request!

Here is the full code (optimized):

Thank you for your collaboration! :D
Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Mon, 05/05/2014 02:55 (10 Years ago)
QuoteHi friends! :D
! Fanbars for Sale !




Please, buy something to help me! :)
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 591
Posted: Mon, 05/05/2014 03:15 (10 Years ago)
- Choose The Pokémon Image; I'd like a darkrai
- Choose the Text (all them); Lilwan is a DARK TYPE lover
- Choose the colors; black
- Choose some details (not much); animated background that blends in

(You choose and make it good,)

Quote from Lilwan I am Espurr God. I am Darkrai God. I am LilGod. I am YOUR God.

Please give a wow! Thanks!
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 626
Posted: Mon, 05/05/2014 03:21 (10 Years ago)
Just to Mention,, This should be in the FanMades or FanArts Section :) Ask a mod??

- Choose The Pokémon Image;Kyogre
- Choose the Text (all them); Kyogre2824 the Kyogre Lover
- Choose the colors; Depends on what color paired with kyogre
- Choose some details (not much); animated please
Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Mon, 05/05/2014 03:56 (10 Years ago)
@Lilwan: Thank you for help me! It will be made soon!

@Kyogre_Pumpkaboo: You're right! Sorry! And thank you for your help!

Can some MOD move this thread to the right place? Sorry Done, thanks!
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 363
Posted: Mon, 05/05/2014 10:19 (10 Years ago)
- Choose The Pokémon Image; Eevee
- Choose the Text (all them); LazyHoneydew is a lover of Eevee's evolutions.
- Choose the colors; LazyHoneydew - Blue. Background - Green. Is a lover of Eevee's evolutions - Gold.
- Choose some details (not much); Can Eevee and the words move from each side.

Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Mon, 05/05/2014 11:27 (10 Years ago)
Hello friend,

Here is your request:

Embed Code (Optimized):

I hope you like it! ;)
Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Mon, 05/05/2014 22:55 (10 Years ago)
Lasts fanbar made:


Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Wed, 07/05/2014 23:32 (10 Years ago)

! New Item Available !

Animated Post Stamp

Cost: 10.000

How to Order:
Show hidden content
- Choose the Text (short text);
- Choose the background (animated or not);
- Choose the pokemon or trainer (animated or not);
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 591
Posted: Thu, 08/05/2014 03:13 (10 Years ago)
- Choose the Text (short text);Lilwan
- Choose the background (animated or not); animated fire
- Choose the pokemon or trainer (animated or not); the trainer in my avatar

Is it ok if the picture is the trainer in my avatar?
Quote from Lilwan I am Espurr God. I am Darkrai God. I am LilGod. I am YOUR God.

Please give a wow! Thanks!
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 535
Posted: Thu, 08/05/2014 03:19 (10 Years ago)
- Choose the Text (short text); Ho-Oh lover
- Choose the background (animated or not); Animated, please
- Choose the pokemon or trainer (animated or not); Shiny Ho-Oh, if possible. If not, a regular Ho-Oh is fine.

[R.I.P J2 (Granny), aged 105]
Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Thu, 08/05/2014 04:13 (10 Years ago)
@Lilwan: The trainer in your avatar is very small, so the result could be bad!

@Aro_Volturi: Thank you for your help! :D It will be done soon!


Code (optimized):
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 591
Posted: Thu, 08/05/2014 04:39 (10 Years ago)
Can u try?
Quote from Lilwan I am Espurr God. I am Darkrai God. I am LilGod. I am YOUR God.

Please give a wow! Thanks!
Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Thu, 08/05/2014 04:46 (10 Years ago)

Code (Optimized)
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Thu, 08/05/2014 04:56 (10 Years ago)
- Choose the Text (short text); Navuso
- Choose the background (animated or not); Animated and either light blue or a faded purple color.
- Choose the pokemon or trainer (animated or not); Natu, Xatu, or the trainer in my about me (beside the sprite display link) not animated.

I'm giving you some freedom here, so hopefully you'll have fun with it. I'll send payment after it's done~

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 591
Posted: Thu, 08/05/2014 05:09 (10 Years ago)
Iskandar can I request a change? Can u make the fire coming from the ground...not from me? Thanks...
Quote from Lilwan I am Espurr God. I am Darkrai God. I am LilGod. I am YOUR God.

Please give a wow! Thanks!