Forum Thread
Isk Design Market
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Isk Design Market

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Iskandar Design Market © 2014 - 2015
The 6 Pokemon I need awesome animations for are: - Manectric. - Charizard. - Hypno. - Serperior. - Luxray. - Venusaur.
I will send the 10000 Pokedollar over right now. Thanks. :)

- Choose The Pokémon Image;Kyogre
- Choose the Text (all them); Kyogre2824 the Kyogre Lover
- Choose the colors; Depends on what color paired with kyogre
- Choose some details (not much); animated please

Happy Summerween - Candies
- Choose the Text (all them); LazyHoneydew is a lover of Eevee's evolutions.
- Choose the colors; LazyHoneydew - Blue. Background - Green. Is a lover of Eevee's evolutions - Gold.
- Choose some details (not much); Can Eevee and the words move from each side.

! New Item Available !
Animated Post Stamp

Cost: 10.000

How to Order:

- Choose the Text (short text);
- Choose the background (animated or not);
- Choose the pokemon or trainer (animated or not);
- Choose the background (animated or not);
- Choose the pokemon or trainer (animated or not);
- Choose the background (animated or not); Animated and either light blue or a faded purple color.
- Choose the pokemon or trainer (animated or not); Natu, Xatu, or the trainer in my about me (beside the sprite display link) not animated.
I'm giving you some freedom here, so hopefully you'll have fun with it. I'll send payment after it's done~