Forum Thread
Benja and Baccas!
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When do you like watching these Youtubers?:
Who do you like better? Mitch or Jerome?
Of course I will hire some helpers here:
Event planners
Donator(Events will be planned easily!)
Our Mottos
"In benja we trust, for bacca we must." and "Power moves only!"
Anyways It is still a hard choice for me, but for now I go for Jerome. I love his and Mitch's videos, but mostly Pixelmon.
I like their Pixelmon but it gets really painful to watch at times, especially since they're such noobs at Pokemon xD. My favorite videos are the Battle-dome, which unfortunately Jerome doesn't do as much anymore. Of course I also love when they play the Hunger Games.
I guess Jerome knows a bit. I love how they pronounce Rayquaza XD. And for PVP I am insanely in love watching with. I think both Jerome and Mitch are one of the best PVP players in minecraft, And I wish Jerome continued making battle-dome. Another I like about them is that they don't curse, witch means this thread can be for people of all ages!
Jerome is really only good with an axe. I mean he is a Bacca after all. Mitch though is insane. That 4v1 Battle-dome he did is probably one of my favorite videos ever.
Honestly, I don't mind if they curse or not. They used to do it a lot in their older videos though.
I love Betty! But honestly I really don't like how Mitch seems to want her all the time. That's Jerome's thing xD. It seems like Mitch is more obsessed with her than Jerome is.
Ooh Power Moves Only. I bought the shirt actually. It's probably the best shirt I have xD......Honestly I'm kind of waiting for Team Crafted to turn into the Power Moves Squad, you know it's going to happen.
So I assume you're liking Pixelmon Island? What do you think of it so far? Personally I love it, but I'm kind of disappointed Mitch wants to get rid of Blaziken. Like if he leveled him up, Blaziken will like be the best.
As for Team Crafted, I know they will turn to the Power Move Squad
And I remember when Jerome and Mitch played pixelmon survival, HBTTF. I loved it. And how Jerome just caught 3 Rayquaza
That's ridiculous how they caught three of them. I can barely catch one when I play survival xD
Username: CrystalizedDawn
Nicknames: None.
When do you like watching these Youtubers?: When they upload Attack of the B-Team, Pixelmon Island, Hunger Games, or praticly everyfin. -I use fish puns too much..-
Who do you like better? Mitch or Jerome?: Mitch. o u o
Username: Cynderrocks78
Nicknames: Nicole, Ginger, Cynder, Blue.
When do you like watching these Youtubers?: When they upload some Hunger Games >:3
Who do you like better? Mitch or Jerome?: Im gonna have to say mitch <3 Canadians are amazing!