Forum Thread
Make Pokeheroes Mobile-Friendly
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Make Pokeheroes Mobile-FriendlyWhy you may ask? Because most of the people here have phones, and the reason why a lot of people are not open is because they can't use their pc -which is the easiest to use on this Website- are not available at that time, since they are at work or at school. It could be a way to attract new users who will actually use Pokeheroes and maybe fall inlove with the forum.
Sure it would be neat to have a mobile version of the site, but PH is optimized for use on a computer. Seeing as it is a Browsergame, you can really only expect the best from playing with such conditions.
And I'm going to sound a bit hypocritical as I am using my phone to browse PH at school, but if you're at school or work your focus should be on your real life tasks rather than Pokémon on your phone and you won't miss much the 8 hours you're away from your computer. Unless I'm at lunch too, I don't need to spend all my time on PH and really only log on to see if my eggs hatched, get new ones if possible and maybe check my notifications.

A site, post.img recently updated their layout to be 'mobile friendly' and I assure you it's not for my poor old phone. My phone glitched and the browser would close by itself just because of the fancy layout. Then they moved the https (a very re-occuring theme for mobile-friendly sites) which my phone can't view and would show an error page. So there goes my favorite image hosting website, just like that.
If my favorite site (PokéHeroes in this case) would change up like how many previous sites I've been on change into 'mobile friendly' (might aswell be called literal purgatory) I might can't even play on this site anymore where it's pretty much one of the only sites I feel comfortable in.
If you think getting a new phone would solve this, my family can't even fix the computer and you want us to buy a new phone that isn't some cheap lenovo- not going to happen. We bathe is rusted water from time to time in this apartment which we've been living in for more than 10 years, for a family of six it's harder than you'd think, we barely could pay the wi-fi and for our food.