Forum Thread
Team Ghost strikes back!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → Team Ghost strikes back!Lets start of with rules,

PH rules
No cursing
No Godmodding
No double posting (This includes NO SPAM)
No having special powers without my permission
Password is Seals are better then Narwhals
And the max amount of 'gifts' is three
Character Name:
Starter:(Any Pokemon excluding legendaries)
Team:(One legend per Team!!!)
My form!
Character Name:Matthew
Starter:(Any Pokemon excluding legendaries)Blaziken
Team:(One legend per Team!!!)Latias,Blaziken,Lucario,Garchomp,Raichu,Zoroark
Other:He has the ability to have 'Dimensional Screams'. He is still learning auras too
Matthew woke up with his Sceptile "Eh, so Team Ghost is coming back?" Matthew asked as Sceptile got ready "They came back from three years, I remember when I beat them as a ten year old." Matthew added as he went outside
Character Name: Sage
Starter:(Any Pokemon excluding legendaries) Zubat!
Team:(One legend per Team!!!) Zubat! Glaceon,Zekrom,Emolga,Zorua,Egg.
Password: Narwhales are better then Seals.
Other: Sage was abandonded at 4 and raised by Zubats.
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)