Forum Thread
Counting eggs
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Counting eggsI've always wanted to know exactly how many eggs I've hatched and how much it increases/decreses
I know we can find our amount of interactions here and it tells us the amount of interactions on the site and your own personal number
And we do have this but but it says the amount of interactions which we can see with the link previously stated and we can see the total amount of forum posts we've made so why not the total amount of eggs?
I've used to this to know in what ways I've been slacking and what ways I've been been doing better with time, frame, and etc so something that could do that with eggs would let me see exactly how much the amount of interactions I make help hatch eggs faster or simply not effect it cause on average of not hunting a pokemon I hatch anywhere between 100-200 eggs everyday but I would wanna be able to see the numbers and statistics on it
Like how in the past 30 days it has shot up a lot in interactions I would like to see if my eggs do the same or if they stay the same no matter what and it'll also help me know if I should actually stop the hunts I do to enter in the medal rally or if it would be a last cause and I could average it out to see if I'm doing better each week or if I'm not
I would love this but it's not up to me it's up to all the beautifully wonder people on here <3
Would love a whole bunch of them even if they are private just for me - because unless you've been here a long time you're competing against yourself mostly.
Stats and numbers keep interest up and give users something personal to aim for when the leaderboards are way out of reach.