1.Pay fairly
2.You must pay right after shiny hunt is done.
3.Tips are helpful but pay them when we accept!
4.If you do not use forum we wont accept
5.Password is Peanut
6.Put password in other
7.Do not post if you do not have a forum
8.We have all rights to not accept right away
9.hide signature
10.when we accept NO changing pokemon pair!!
11.If we do not have the pokemon we will ask you if you have
People to pay:
1. Fre_Sh_A_Va_Ca_Do
2. Mikushine01
Hey Iky i want a shiny!
Username: Fre_Sh_A_Va_Ca_Do
What shiny: Eevee please ♥
Do you have a pair you wanna breed: Yup!
Payment: 20,000? I'll try and collect it
iky or pikachu can you palpad me how to
Hey Iky i want a shiny!
Username: -QUIT-
What shiny: flareon or espeon
Do you have a pair you wanna breed: no
Payment: 4k pd (pm me or palpad me if you want more)
Hey Iky (or pae) i want a
shiny! Username: Lizzanga What shiny: combee (x2) Do you have a pair you wanna breed: I don't think so. Payment: what's the minimum price? Other: big Mac
@lizzanga if you want me I have a forum below Sky's
Also accepted!!!oh and please use payment should be at the top
Bumping up in my first post a shiny male absol for sale!