(I dont know if this is a glitch,But from jwitz 3rd gen glitches
video,But when he tries to get bad egg by hacking,He got a werid
wurmple and poochyena thing.(I'll see if i can find link but look
up jwitz 3rd gen glitches and it should be there.)
Pokemon: Missingno
Gender: None
Level: 7
What's their problem? What is their glitch?: Its breaks your save
multiple items and messes up battle sprites
Game they came from: Red Blue Yellow
Moves: Water Gun Water Gun And Sky attack
Other: You should know this glitch also can change form
Leonidas was playing pokemon when his pokemon , a lickitung,
blacked out and turned invisible. When he came to, he was in flames
for a moment. "where am I?" he thought. A voice whispered'The world
of weird things like you." he saw a few pokemon in a distance and
decided to see them. "Hmmm...I'll be called Freon."
Zheira snorted in annoyance, a puff of blue and gray smoke
rising from his nostrils. He could hear the excited cheers of
another Pokemon nearby. Stiffening, he prepared to use Fusion
Flare. He realized his mistake and stopped at once, the bright red
fire disappearing. He charged a Dragon Pulse before asking, "Who's
Sashe had been looking for flowers. The Froslass had an interest in
flower crowns and- "Wh- </3" She was cut off as the area grew
extremely hot for a few seconds. As the heat disappeared, she could
hear a beam -- Hyper Beam? -- being charged, and a deep, masculine
voice asking, "Who's there?" Sashe blinked a few times, afraid.
"H-Hi! I'm Sashe. Sashe the Froslass. If you could tell me your
name that would be wonderful! <3" She twirled a few times as the
Pokemon stepped into a seeing range. A Reshiram! <3 she