Forum Thread
[A][C] OC Desgin Contest
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [A][C] OC Desgin ContestThe Winner For Each Pokemon Will Have a Choice Between:
- 500,000 pd
- 300 Nuggets
- 10 Dragon Gems
- 2 Enigma Stone, 2 Resolute Stone
*more prizes may be added as they're obtained
What am I asking for exactly?
1.) Sableye OC/Sona. If you are wondering what I mean by OC/Sona, it stands for Original Character/Pokesona. Meaning I'm asking for you to take the Pokemon Sableye and giving it individuality. You can do this by doing a numerous of things. Changing color, type, clothing, accessories, modify it's original body design, you name it. I have no suggestions or ideas for this, so be creative! Gender, Age, Nature, and all of that is up to you!
2.) Charmander OC/Sona. If you are wondering what I mean by OC/Sona, it stands for Original Character/Pokesona. Meaning I'm asking for you to take the Pokemon Charmander and giving it individuality. You can do this by doing a numerous of things. Changing color, type, clothing, accessories, modify it's original body design, you name it. I tried working on this a bit, and I got just a little somewhere with it. You don't have to consider what my ideas were, but palpad or private message me if you want to know what sort of thing I had in mind!
Tip: I don't like wings, water, ice/cold
By submitting your entry, you are giving me permission to use the character as my own and only my own, if you win first place. No one else has permission, unless I give them to use the character after I choose the designer as first place winner. I will not claim to be the creator of the design and will give all credit to the original designer/artist. I'm taking this very seriously, so I may announce ahead of time if I currently have a favorite for each topic so others have a chance to create one I like more. I'm desperate. I only receive the winning characters. If you are not chosen for first place, your time and effort will not go to waste. Trying setting it up for adoption/auction and you could get pd or whatever it is you ask for. That's my suggestion anyway (;
- You may submit as many entries as you like
- By entering you give me permission to alter the design any way I wish
- No stolen characters may be submitted
- The winner will be more chosen off the design rather then actual artwork, so no worry if your art isn't the best!(although it might help to have good art)
- Be sure you read all of this post!
Contest Ends: Unannounced
(I will post an announcement a week before ending contest, so for now just take your time!)
le entry for 2.)

I'm not that well with backstories
I think it has a case of Banette-syndome and was left by it's owner. Keep him away from clawy Pokemon/Pokesonas like Meowth or Litten, it might spill it's contents when damaged. Despite being a Charmander it doesn't appreciate fire or the sun that much, nor water. It likes rain, though.

I think it has a case of Banette-syndome and was left by it's owner. Keep him away from clawy Pokemon/Pokesonas like Meowth or Litten, it might spill it's contents when damaged. Despite being a Charmander it doesn't appreciate fire or the sun that much, nor water. It likes rain, though.

I've gotten a few messages asking what I had in mind for themes and such. My answer... Nothing :'D
But I was working on a Charmander that I never finished that I liked. Here's her information for anyone interested and wants to work on it for me or take any inspiration from it for your entry. Please don't use any of this for your own ocs!
Species: Charmander
Gender: Female
Voice: Lamb(the girl voice)
Symbol on bandage is like this left eye, but without teardrop.
Inspiration came from Musharna. Tail flame is similar to the smoke that comes from Musharna, and she is usually seen floating.
"Some think I'm a dream or a figment of their imagination, but I assure you, I am very real."
"I am no mirage."
"Sleep peacefully now."
"How sad."
"What a disappointment."
"Many smile simply so the don't have to cry."
"My name? That's funny. Has never really been a problem until now."
@Furret, good luck on your design ;D

so, i'm not good with names, personalities and backstories, so i'll leave that up to you. ^^
all i've got for this girl is that she's Ground / Ghost, and her current place name is Calypso.