Forum Thread
Your choice...
Forum-Index → Discussion → Your choice...My three people:

Well, my three people are Riako(of
course, so he can fix the disaster and I personally think he's the
awesomest), dialkia(my longtime friend) and ShinyHoundoom14(a new
friend but still very close XD).
Please do not post anything that complains about not being chosen. Thank you.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Kumikoko because I consider her a friend and she's an absolutely wonderful literate RPer.
And.. Hm... I don't know about who my third person would be, since I have a handful of others I'd want to try and save.
I'd want to save Aisling and Mirej both because of their sprites.
I'd ant to save Autumn because he's amusing.
I'd want to save Sungoddess23 because RPs...
So I guess it'd be a random number generator to decide between those four for the last slot >.<
Well I'd save Carpet. He's got a lot of smarts and all.
Then... Tina. Because of amusement.
Last would be Klonoa. For cookies!
Oh, then again, Riako could fix stuff. And I'd wanna save Cynda. You know what, everyone I've added to my friendlist can do a game to decide :P