Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → PokètaleShe grabbed the ball, looking down to see the little eevee nod slightly, and held out the ball for the eevee to "Catch herself" by allowing it to press its nose to the ball, open it, and let the beam rest on it. The ball ticked four times, before stars seemed to emit from it, proving that the eevee was caught. She picked up the ball, letting it out, saying "go eevee...?" quietly
Species:Shiny eevee (can she be shiny?)
Trainer:(Is open for a trainer)
Appearance:A shiny eevee with one pink eye or blue eye (if you like,she can just be a shiny eevee)
Personality:She is very nice and friendly.She can get very hype and she can be a bit stronger when she is mad
Attacks:Shadow ball,Babydoll eyes,Dig,and secret power (dragon)
Other:She will evole into a Sylveon with a blue eye and a pink eye.more stuff will be added.
"When I was a kid, I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love. I promised myself I wouldn't fall for anyone. Look where that's got me." she said, stopping. "I hate the feeling I get... Like it's a bunch of emotions boiling inside me whenever I look his way."