(Sorry, it was a typo, fixing it now... I should learn not to
type too fast on my iPad... anyways, you forgot to add the 'a' at
the end of Mousa)
Flare tried to explain everyone. "I guess I know the leader of that
gang. I accidentally got trapped into his room!" He exclaimed. The
Pokemon, who was a Charizard Y, found himself trapped, and banged
on the trapdoor.
Flare felt a sound on the floor, since he was standing on the
trapdoor to keep Mega Charizard Y trapped.
(To continue the correcting grammar chain, don't you mean "The
Pokemon, who was a" instead of "which was a"? XD)
Strawberry ran over to where Fireworks and the others were.
(*Breaks the grammar correcting chain into pieces*... and I
considered myself the english subject topper in the class...
Volt feels the ground getting hotter. Mega Charizard Y was using
his flamethrower to get Flare to open the trapdoor, causing the
floor to get hotter by the minute.
'' Ok, so Dusk was telling me that before he swiched sides, his
organisation kept getting video calls from a 'mon called 'The
General'.'' Jewel said.
''If we can hack into the groups comuters, we can find out who it
is and stop him.'' Dusk said, finishing Jewel's idea.
Vulcan was still gagged on the chair right now he was just a little
annoyed they hadn't noticed him and freed him he yawned a little
ignoring the fact he was still stuck. He just waited trying to see
when they'd notice.
I need help , I have too many combee eggs to handle. Everyone who
interacts with an egg has the chance to win a combee
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per person)
Flare suddenly found a box of gloom saliva, (XD) and used it as a
glue so that thee trapdoor could not be opened, and went to Vulcan.
Flare burnt off Vulcan's ropes,
Vulcan slipped out rope marks and chain marks on his fur. He shook
it getting rid of these marks "It was a gengar and a weird
charizard they came so fast I told them I wasn't a kid that I just
didn't use a fire stone ,but they didn't believe me. He said
shaking a little..
I need help , I have too many combee eggs to handle. Everyone who
interacts with an egg has the chance to win a combee
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per person)
Flare washed his hands to get rid of gloom saliva, as he listened
Vulcan's story.
Volt gets enraged that the gang thought that any Pokemon who didn't
evolve was a kid. He then decides that when they find the
Charizard, he'll OHKO it with Volt Tackle...
He stretched a bit "I want to find those criminals who attacked me
I got the best nose around even among my kind I might even have the
best in the region" He said his nose perked up "I never forget a
smell" (its not op ask the pokedex).
I need help , I have too many combee eggs to handle. Everyone who
interacts with an egg has the chance to win a combee
Sharing this entire message will also give you a ticket (One share
per person)