Forum Thread
Lizzie's Pokemon Shop ✿ [free pokémon]
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Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Lizzie's Pokemon Shop ✿ [free pokémon]
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 14:42 (8 Years ago)
@ Mustard
Yep! They're all up :>
- - - -
@ The~Dark~Mystery
Reread the rules again please!
Posted: Mon, 31/10/2016 16:27 (8 Years ago)
B ump!
Posted: Wed, 02/11/2016 22:37 (8 Years ago)
B ump!
Forum Posts: 49
Posted: Thu, 03/11/2016 03:19 (8 Years ago)
If it is not too much trouble, I would like to request some
Male and Female Butterfree
Male and Female Beedrill
Male and Female Pidgeot
Password is Zygarde.
My Store! I sell you what you need and buy from you
what I need!
Posted: Fri, 04/11/2016 11:05 (8 Years ago)
@ Zetsuenko
Yep! Your pokemon are up~
Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 04/11/2016 11:38 (8 Years ago)
Hey I'd like to have a Dunsparce and a Skarmory.
[size=10]Feel free to check out my own forum threads :
/ Lending Pok
Forum Posts: 32
Posted: Sat, 05/11/2016 01:11 (8 Years ago)
Hi could I please have Snover and Fraxure?
Password is Haryiama
EDIT: Sorry knew who I meant but got name way wrong :S
Posted: Sat, 05/11/2016 01:17 (8 Years ago)
@ Telekinetic
Reread the rules again, please :>
- - - -
@ harper796
I think you might've misspelled the pokemon? They're up
Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Sat, 05/11/2016 21:23 (8 Years ago)
Could I have a tauros please.
Password is geodude.
Forum Posts: 95
Posted: Sat, 05/11/2016 23:14 (8 Years ago)
Hello! Are the pokemon in your adoptions box that are special up
for trade? I can pay 5 gems for all of them. :3
Password: MUDKIP
Posted: Sun, 06/11/2016 12:46 (8 Years ago)
@ goldenpriestess
Yep, Tauros is up in gts!
- - - -
@ MrMudkip3660
Yep! please send the gems over :>
Forum Posts: 55
Posted: Tue, 08/11/2016 13:10 (8 Years ago)
password is aroura could i please have happiny and samurott please
Posted: Tue, 08/11/2016 13:28 (8 Years ago)
@ 111angel3
Yep! they're up in gts~
Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 09/11/2016 06:34 (8 Years ago)
Hello, may I have a male combee and a female Buneary? It'd be very
Abra-mirable of you.
Posted: Thu, 10/11/2016 12:16 (8 Years ago)
@ Andelsky
Those puns were very onix-spected :v
[pokemon are up in gts~]
Sissi6 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 57
Forum Posts: 324
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2016 01:18 (8 Years ago)
hello, could i have all the noctowls? or however many you'll allow,
any amount is good! thanks lots! c:
password - sneasel
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2016 01:27 (8 Years ago)
@ Sissi6
Yep, all the noctowls' are up :>
Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 14/11/2016 23:35 (8 Years ago)
Password: Dratini
From your free box may I have a Staryu?
Forum Posts: 32
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:00 (8 Years ago)
Password: Magikarp
Any chance I could get the Combee from your free box?
Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 16/11/2016 19:26 (8 Years ago)
Any way I could adopt onyx plz password no