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Vivlilon's secrect

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Vivlilon's secrect
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 02:17 (8 Years ago)
Inspired by some other books!

Chapter one:
Vivillon's Plan


Vivillon.. Vivillon's pokedex number is 666.. Us all pokemon want to figure out what Vivillon could be hiding from us.. This brave little pokemon named Thunder was a little pichu. He grabbed his backpack and a journal. In the journal he wrote some words quickly: "Vivlilon. 1 pokèmon. Pichu. As many." It didnt make sence but later on it would. He went to his bed and grabbed everything out of his backpack. He sent something to vivillion. He tried making it look like her handwriting. He sent a paper saying: "No! I am being so dumb! I shouldnt do this when my pokedex number us 666! It doesnt mater so stop it!" Pichu sent the letter and putted it on the floor of vivillion's patio."Time. Time to do this! I hope friends will gather up with me to solve this problem." Thunder said.Back where Vivlilon was. She made a plan. She would pretend she is a friend of someone. Then she would take the person to her place and lock them up! "It sounds pefrect!Then the real pokemon handlers will change my pokedex number! Some other stupid pokemon will have that pokedex number!" She said. She didnt really care about anyone. It was all about her. Vivlilon went to the super market. She acted normal. When nobody saw, she stole all of the cash. "This will be good to buy resources to do more harmful things to these people!" She said laughing.. The next morning Thunder woke up. He went to his tv and watched the news. His most favorite news person read the news: "Good morning Casty City! Its 7:03 AM and its a nice day to go out and relax with friends! Now to you, Cast!" A slowbro names Brewa said. "Thanks, Brewa! So today weather is sunny! As you could of arealdy see because of i am a castform. So outside its normal sunny. Its rare for us to have a sunny day on Friday. Its the last day of school untill 25 more days! Its because the teachers all gathered up and had a plan. Passing it over to you, Ry!" Cast the Castform said. "Thanks, Cast! So last night a robber robbed a famous shop. It was Sixty-Sixth! This happened for 5 hours. 2 hours of collecting everyone's money. And 3 hours trying to get away. The cops didn't succeed. They are still looking for this criminal. If you had seen whoever was the criminal then please contact us! The criminal also robbed a school. What i mean is like they stole all of the important things schools needed-" Thunder stopped watching. He was thinking who was the criminal. "MOM DAD!" Thunder screamd. "I KNOW THE CRIMINAL! ITA VIVLILON!" "Okay. I will contact them later." Dad said. Vivillion's plan did work. A little.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 03:39 (8 Years ago)

Chapter 2:
Sing A Asleep Song Pratice


Thunder looked at mom and dad. "Is it okay if i go out for a few days?" He shyly asked. Mom looked back. "N-Yes!" She said. "You may! Since we will go out for a while too!" "YAY! Thanks!" Thunder said as hugging mom. He went outside looking every derection. "Good." He said. "I dont see Vivlilon!" He coutiuned walking down the warm grass. Last night it rained so he payed attention to ground. He saw igglybuff praticing singing a song to make people go to sleep. "Ohhhh hiiiii....." Thunder sleeped. "IT WORKED!" The igglybuff said. Her name was Buffy. "W-Wha-What?" Thunder said looking counfused. "Hihi!" Buffy said. "Who-" "Im buffy!" Buffy inturrped Thunder's sentence. "Did you heard of the Vivlilon? Everyone is afarid. Want to join my journey to go find out this sercret? There are many puzzels, missions and more!" Thunder said. "How do you know this all.. Anyways i did hear about Vivlilon! I wonder whats wrong with her.. And yes! I love journeys!" Buffy was excited. "Erm.. Its because her pokedex number is.. The demon number.." Thunder said with his eyes watery.
Trainerlevel: 5

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 03:47 (8 Years ago)
this is amazing so far xx
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 03:55 (8 Years ago)

Vivlilon fell asleep from igglybuff. It took about 1-10 minutes to wake up. She woke up when just she had a idea. "I should do what the demon's tell me so i can at least not be invaided and become.. I dont even need to talk about it! But how do i get up to where they are? Well im going off to find them!" A few minutes later she gave up. She praticed tryed singing like igglybuff. But it didnt work. She grabbed some potions and had a idea. "I could make a potion! And whenever i touch someone, it will posion them!" Vivlilon said happy. Thunder and Buffy both saw a flower. It had teeth. "Uh.. What is this, Buffy?" Thunder asked. "Does it look like i really know? No.." Buffy said. "Rude." Thunder said but buffy did nothing. The flower was holding some fruit. It was moving and went into a mouth. It was a Mawile. "Uh.. Ill just pass. Slowly.." Thunder was scared. Looking at the black plant made him more scared.. "C'mon! Nothing bad will happen! C'mon Thunder! Stop being a slowpoke!" Buffy laughed. Vivlilon was flying upbove them. "Posion. Get ready to get posioned!" Vivlilon laughed. She touched a slowpoke though. It did nothing about it and fell in the sea. "H-Ho-How dont you not care that you got posioned?!?" Vivlilon was counfused. "Whatever, i will just fly back. What a waste of time."

(Thanks :3)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 05:03 (8 Years ago)

Chapter 3:
Take off!


"Im hungry!" Yelled Thunder "Is there something to eat? Oh yeah.. I have a bad feeling about this place.. We passed someone.. I guess." Mawile saw Buffy and Thunder. She grabbed kept watching them on the hill. "A bad feeling?" Giggled Buffy. "It's just a path! Relax! What could go wrong about a path! Oh! Apples!! You were hungry so here are some apples!" Buffy grabbed one and ate it. Mawile got furios. She ran over to Buffy and took the apple out of Buffy's hand. "IM SO IRATE AT YOU!" Mawile yelled. "HOW ROTTEN ARE YOU? HUH? TELL ME? EXTREMLY ROTTEN. YOU STOLE MY APPLES WITH 0 PERMISSON." Mawile stomped. "Well.. I dont care if you yell at me and-" Buffy got inturrped. A pidgeot flew by. "So.. You want to fight.. AND HURT THESE POOR LITTLE BABY POKEMON?" Pidgeot said. They both mega evoled and fighted. Thunder tried making them stop. "Stop stop! No need to fight! Besides, Buffy didnt even bite the apple!" Thunder said. He picked up a apple. "See?" Vivlilon saw them. "Well time to grab that pichu.." She said. She flapped her wings and grabbed Thunder. "Ohh so thats why.. Wait where is thunder?" Mawile asked. "Will you join the team? And whats your name pidgeot? May you give us a ride to go save Thunder?" Buffy asked. "Sure thing! Im Cridy!" He putted everyone on his back and took off. A shinx woke up in the apple tree. "What are these?" The shinx said. He ate some. "Wow! Whatever these are, They are good!" The shinx was a shiny shinx. Vivlilon saw the shinx. "OHHH! Shouldof grabbed that shiny shinx! Looks good to eat!" She grabbed the shiny shinx too. "WHO WANTS. TO EAT SHINX AND PICHU WITH ME?" Vivlilon asked. "Why are you so rude?" Asked Cridy and Bawa. "Because her pokedex number is the demon number!" When Buffy said that, Something went wrong.. To be coutiuned.

(I am now accecpting requests for people to be in the book! Just friend me and palpad me everything you want your character to be! And what you want it to do!)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 13:39 (8 Years ago)

Vivlilon heard Buffy say 666.. "666.. Hehe.. ):} Time for dooommm!!" Vivlilon said as grabbing everyone. "Now which one shall i eat first? Shiny shinx? Ahh its going be a shiny good dinner! Mega Pidgeot? It will make my food mega!" Pichu saw Vivillion's Meadow pattern wings melting. Everyone fell asleep. Vivillion went to her own house. And woke up everyone..
"Wake up! Im a nice child! Help me!" She said in a really creepy voice. "Daddy! Help me!'im getting dragged away!" "Daddy? Then who is your mommah? You need a mom." Thunder said scratching his chin. "Im not even 30! All grown ups are 30!" "N-No, Daddy! Help me, Not talk! Do you want me to.. D-Di-Die?" Vivlilon's wings melted. "TIME TO TAKE OFF! Too scary!" Cridy said, Taking off. "Dont be so selfish, Cridy! Boi, You rather give us a hand or let us di-"Mawile said. Demons spawned around Mawile. "HELLLLPPPPPPPPP!" "THATS WHAT YOU GET, DADDY!" Vivlilon was screaming to much. "BOI, IM NOT A DADDY!" Mawile said. She fainted.. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS. VIVLILON?" Pichu was crying. Then Buffy came in with a sword. She wasent sure about slicing people. "Okay, i went a little to far.." Buffy said. Not listening to anyone. "Okay! I will eat this shinx!" Vivlilon said. "NOOOOOO-" Everyone screamed.. To be cotiuned..
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 14:50 (8 Years ago)

Chapter 4:
Secrect garden


Buffy grabbed the shinx and grabbed everyone else. She accidently ran to far into some place.. It was really pretty.. Many flowers were spourting. Every secound, A flower spourts, A flower dies and a new flower seed is made. "Woah!" Said everyone. "What is this place? It seems so nice, without knowing what it was!" Mawile said. "I found you guys!" Cridy landed and hugged everyone. Cridy ate some flowers.. But then he tried eating one that was really hard to eat. "How hard is it to eat a plant?" Mawile said ambressed. "STOP EATING ME!" Something mysterious said. "But pink flowers are good? Whoever was talking to me?" Cridy said ambressed. "Who is talking to me? I'm just a Pidgeot" "Too old." It said again. "Exactly?" Thunder said wondering who was talking. He was ambressed talking to nobody. Vivlilon went towards the secrect garden and grabbed the mysterious thing. "HELLLLLPPPPPP!" Shaymin said, revaling herself. To be coutiuned..
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 16:12 (8 Years ago)

"WOAH! I NEVER SAW ONE BEFFORE!" Mawile said. "A SHAYMIN!" Everyone screamed and then Cridy putted everyone on his back. "C'mon we need to help shaymin!" "Okay! My name is Inx!" Inx the Shinx said. Vivlilon kinapped the shaymin. "Now let me posion you!" Vivlilon said to the shaymin and grabbed a posion touch bottle. "BE POSIONED!" "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?" The shyamin cried. "6...6...6...= 666! IM A DEMON HELPER!" Vivlilon laughed really evily. "STOPPPP!" Thunder said. He screamed super loud. Even his parents could hear him! "Why would you do that? That doesnt help!" Shaymin didnt notice the rope broke from the scream. "It does something, shaymin! Just look down!" Thunder pointed. Vivillion went to the secrect garden and killed every flower.

Chapter 5:
Shaymin Fades

Shaymin's leafs on her dies when 3 flowers at a time die. There was 236 flowers at the garden. "Shaymin, Why is one of your leafs fading away at once?" Cridy asked. "They die and grow, Duh!" Mawile laughed. Shaymin gasped. "NOOOOOOOOOO! I NEED TO GET BACK TO THE LEAF GARDEN!!" Shaymin said running towards her garden. Mawile shurrged. "It wasent me who did it." Mawile shurrged again and said that. "First someone runs away from my words, Secound someone gone missing. Whats next?" Mawile said being sarcastic. "Dont be sarcastic.." Buffy said madly. "Anyways.. Where is Vivillion?" Thunder asked. "Probaly at some demon place." Mawile answered. "Ohhh like she's definitely satan!!!11!!!" "Stop being sarcastic, Mawile!" Cridy yelled. "We need to find Vivillion. Follow me." Pichu lead the way. More and more leafs were fading away..
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Sun, 28/08/2016 03:04 (8 Years ago)

Vivvlion took shaymin to a volcano and dropped shaymin in. "NOW YOU GO AND GET HURTED ALOT!" Vivlion laughed.
"Oh great, A new demon?"
Underworld Red Said "Does it look like a demon to you? No."
The queen said. "Please dont hurt me.. Im nice!" Shaymin
cried. "I'll do what i like." Satan Guard said. He tasted
shaymin's pink flower. Then he bite it.. And now he
ate them both. "STOPPPPPPP!" Shaymin yelled.
"Okay." Under Red said. Vivvlion crossed her
arms looking at Under Red. Under red saw
Vivvlion. "Satan, Im so sorry! Like so sorry!
So sorry!" He cried. "Okay.." Vivvlion left.
"Excuse me, Before you leave i have to talk."
The queen said. "Huh?" Vivvlion said.
"You arent satan. Your a girl." The queen was mad
MY NUMBER WAS 666?" She screamed. "Yeah! She
is satan no matter what! She doesnt have to be
male!" Every demon besides shaymin and the queen
said. The devil dog bite the queen, Then scratched.
"STOP.." The queen forced the dog with her
5 magical arms. "Hm hm hm.." The devil dog cried.
"I FORCEEEE YOU TO LEAVE, QUEEN." Everyone reapted
after vivvlion
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Sun, 28/08/2016 03:07 (8 Years ago)
(I like it so far, but... *raises non existant eyebrow since Vivillons have none* Why are you writing about me?)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 96
Posted: Sun, 28/08/2016 03:11 (8 Years ago)
(I was scrolling in the pokedex and saw that its number was 666.. I didnt notice ;-;)