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Luna's Story

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Luna's Story
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 22:56 (8 Years ago)
Before reading, take Note that Luna is an OC mare that I created years ago.
(And this picture I got off Google)

Luna's hidden life~~~

A mare, barely seven years of age already leads a herd of her own, though it was not easy for her to get there. The white mate was named Lunar Shine, but many called her Luna. She has the purest of white coats that shined in the moonlight as the Rays danced across her back.

Her story was not all pleasant to begin with, though has grown into something beautiful.

Luna's story begins on the night of her birth. Her mother was a simple bay mare with a small white sock and a white snip on her nose. Her name? Amoura. Luna loved her mother from the time she first looked at her in the cold world she was brought into. Luna had stood up fairly quickly that night to nurse and to keep close to the only other heat she had, her mother. The humans who owned her had watched her and wondered how she would do growing up as a show mare.

Within a few days Luna and Amoura were allowed out with other fillies and colts with their mothers. Luna stuck close to Amoura, though one black colt named Midnight had seen her and smiled. After a few days of talking him and Luna would wonder about the pasture and race, though with Luna having longer legs she won more often than not. Midnight smiled at Luna and both would race off again.

One day when Luna was about six months old, she and the other foals about her age, including Midnight, were taken from their mothers. Midnight instantly went over to Luna. "We will be alright" he said in a comforting voice. The white mare looked at him. "How can you be so sure? Where are our mothers?" Fear was bright in her deep brown eyes as Midnight sighed. "My mother warned me this would happen. They seem to do this quite often when we get about this age" he said with a shaking head. "We will see them around the ranch, but nothing more sadly." Luna moved closer to Midnight. "At least your here" she said as she nuzzled him.

After about a year, most of the foals Luna and Midnight grew up with had been taken by other humans. Midnight fought off any human that tried to take him, and would throw a hissy fit if any tried taking Luna. The two had grown quite fond of each other, and most horses wondered if they would become mates. It was rare in a world run by humans, but it could happen, and it had.

Luna's view
Midnight and I are growing tired of these humans trying to separate us. About a week ago I managed to break part of a fence out of the humans eyes so we could run away. I told Midnight about in he grew happy. I could see he was somewhat scared, but he wanted to go. Tonight, we make our escape. We learned how to open the stall doors, and we know where to meet up.

It's only about mid day, and they put Midnight and I in the same pasture. "Let's go now. They won't miss us." Midnight smiled. "Lead the way fair Luna." I smiled and lead him to the broken fence and jumped it cleanly. Looking back at Midnight I had hoped he would clear it as well. He wasn't the best jumper, but I had faith in him. Once Midnight cleared it we took off. We were only about a year and a half at the time, but we didn't care. The humans were mean, and harsh. One human hit me just for scratching my leg while we were walking. It wasn't right! Midnight got hit just for looking at a dog.

We raced away with the ranch behind us, not looking back. "I love you Luna" Midnight said, catching me completely off guard. "D-do you really mean that Midnight" I asked as I started blushing. I watched him smile. "Of course I do. Why would I say it if I didn't mean it?" His black coat shined from his bath he had just the day before, making me blush even more. "I love you too Midnight" I said holding my smile.

We finally slowed down near a river and caught our breath and took a drink. "This water, it's amazing. Much better than what come out of that weird snake thing" I said as Midnight agreed. "You're right Luna." He nuzzled me before we started walking again. We followed the river and smiled when we reached a beautiful meadow.

A few days past and Midnight asked me to be his mate. I of course said yes, though we agreed to hold off on having foals. Little did I know that would be the last night we saw each other. A mountain lion had attacked, and Midnight sacrificed his life to save mine, even killing the mountain lion in doing so. After that, I was found by a heartless stallion. His herd had no life almost, the mares passed from stallion to stallion just to have foals! After years of it, I finally challenged Storm for the lead, and I managed to take it from him. He was not expecting to lose, but I allowed him to stay in the herd.

After that, I changed the ways of the herd, though I am still having difficulty trusting, I am slowly getting there.