Hello i'm fluffy!!!^.^ as you know or might know my owner is Pae.
Also Enti is mine.
Here is my life story:
When i was born i had a older brother and sister they treated me
well..But my parents abused me..
So when those little Pikachus abuse me i'm used to it..One day my
brother had a promise..He told me to be safe but i wasn't so
he...he killed him self...Then my sister killed her self because he
died....I was blamed...My parents thought i killed them but i
didn't...Then they started to taser me...They sent me to camp to
make sure i would never come back..Then I met Enti he was always
nice to me..Now we face my collar being lost and that has no good
because my collar is lost if some one finds it and activate it they
have all control of my black and normal side.
Welp that would be all for now in my life story also feel free to
post on my life story/diary!
Thanks for reading bye!
I was born that way.^^ so when i was born i was a normal fluffy but
when i grew to the age 6 i was just really fluffy!So when i evolved
that made me a little more fluffy!^^ thanks for asking!
This is from my epic Shiny Umbreon, Brin, whom I named my username
after so basically we're like Brin and Brin xD Anyway, can she be
your friend, Fluffy?
I hate nothing about him but i don't love him^^
No i would never cheat on Enti but if in a Rolplay and i had to for
PAE I might^^
Of course I am always looking for friends^^
Thats hard remember the pikachus and well i did nothing thats
because i know whats happening to me.So if PAE or rapids was
getting hurt i would attend to fight to get them back^^