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A Ralts Of Dreams Ep. 1: The Torch Revolution

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions A Ralts Of Dreams Ep. 1: The Torch Revolution
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 14:25 (8 Years ago)
In the Peaceful Town Called Mallet Town, Where the Seagulls chirp beautifully, The sea is calm as always, The Sand is White as a Furfrou's Fur and the---- "NOOOOOOOO!!!" Someone screamed loudly, In the Burger Restaurant, "I thought this box had a bazzzzilion yesterday!" Ralts said. "Im sorry Ralts, I guess they got Bankrupt!" Jenny Said "THEY GOT BANKRUPT??? I thought they have like 60 variants of Burgers!" Ralts Said in sadness. "Pssshh, I guess they can't win with Pizza Tacos!" Aiden Nodded. "Can i just take the box home before something horrible happens? just incase." Ralts said. "Fine.." Aiden and Jenny said together. Ralts went Back to his very unusual home, it was a beach house, but stacked with a huge statue sticked to a cliff. When he got home.... "BOOOMMM!" The sound come from Banette's Dark Spheres, Then another sound "PINCH!" It was Gliscor's Mini-Crane Weapon, which is a small crane but very powerful. "Yo, Ralts" Gliscor said, "Ralts, Dont go near those Litwick and Lampents!" Banette said, Then a seemingly burning smell came, It was Charizard's Fire Blasters, that unknowningly come out from his hands, "Ralts, Stay Back!" He said. They Continue to fight the Litwick and Lampents until Gliscor Notices that the Litwicks and lampents dont have an energy core, after that, they've defeated all the ghost lamps, "!!!!!!!" Ralts was surprised that he saw Fries Inside A Burger in the fridge, Then Ralts explain how he was very excited and began eating the food, ..... Things near Ralts staring to move by themselves and it turns out Ralts' Small Psychic capability is emitting a huge power because of the food, Everyone was surprised by this, Then..... "AAAAAAAA!!!!!!" A bloody Ghost shriek came out from outside, "Its Chandelure!" Charizard said "Chandelure?" Ralts said confused, "Chandelure is the Final evolved form of litwick, makes sense why it is the mother/leader of the group! They all go outside, "Ralts, stay in the house!" Banette said, "No wait! I want to come too!" Ralts quickly grabbed the box full of Burger Fries food and go outside, While the Pokémon are fighting, Ralts began eating the food, then he attracts The chandelure with his energy core and it turns out his core is not powering up, The other Pokémons began to fight chandelure again and again, Until Chandelure destroyed the box full of food, Because of This, Ralts was very Angry and Throws a Bucket of Wather to the top of Chandelure, Chandelure being weak to water, the fire got perished, he released his energy core, Charizard kept the core in a container and stores it away, Meanwhile Ralts, "I'll Bury you where no one can disturb you..." He said in sadness. "Dont worry Ralts, someday you will find a way to power up your energy core!" Banette said to cheer him up. "Yes, In your own Raltsy way!" Charizard said too. "Uggghhh, i think im feeling sick, because of eating to much burgers and fries, i think im gonna... Mpphh mphh!!!!!" Ralts was about to Puke heavily, "BAAAARRRFFFFF!!!!!"