Abby leaned over to him.
"I'm pregnant again...but I think I'm carrying more than I was last
time..look how big I am.."
Abby lifted her shirt to reveal a large bump.
"It's only been a few weeks....I shouldn't be this big
yet...Frankie gave me that medicine stuff that gives me a full term
Just then, she fell to the ground, screaming.
She turned on her back, and her stomach was visually growing at a
rapid pace.
No more kids for you, luckily i always come prepared
*Grabs the cream from his bag, and rubs it on her, like before*
This is the last set of children we are having abby, we already
have alot right now
The Mega Alakazam hovered his hands over Abby's stomach, and spoke
words no one could understand.
He spoke like this for a long time, but as the time went by, Abby's
stomach shrunk, and after about 2 hours, her stomach was normal,
and the Mega Alakazam backed away.
"Young Absol, your pregnancy is safe now. The problem was that your
child was evolving inside you. Francis put the wrong spell on you."
*Walking with Dreemur, in her Gijinka form*
You know Dreemur, your the only one who has ever tried to listen to
my story, i know im old, but not many people know about what truly
Oh close your mouth boy, I have no intent of being swayed by some
mindless behemoth, no offense, but i have no thoughts of getting a
*Grabs his head*
Just keep your eyes on the the road so we can find your mother