Abby started to cry, and the kids slowly crawled to her.
Spirit poked Abby's leg.
"W--Why Daddy do that..?"
Abby looked up to Spirit.
"Daddy did that because the big lion was very bad, and he hurt
mommy a lot. Daddy saved mommy, and what daddy did was scary, but
it was good. He did a good thing. You guys don't be scared of him,
They all nodded.
"Daddy did a good like that?"
Dreemur said, pointing at the head.
*Sits at the beach, crying his eyes out*
What have i done.... I've broken my relationship with my
children.... How can they live when they can't even talk or be near
their father... i did what i had to... I screwed up...
Lagoon appeared.
"I've received word from Cuddle Bug. Your children are not scared
of you. Absolua convinced them that what you did was good, because,
quote, 'the big lion hurt Mommy, and Daddy saved Mommy'. Go
He dove back into the water.
Cuddle curled up in his lap.
"Hey, it's okay...Abby talked to the kids. She told them what you
did was a good thing, and they believe her. When I left, they all
told me to bring you back..."
*Pets cuddle*
I.... I just can't.... Seeing my kids like that.... Afraid of
me.... I can't live knowing that i did that.... Sure they forgive
me.... But they will never forget what i did....
Cuddle got up and lightly smacked him.
"Hey! You listen to me, mister! Your children love you, and they
miss you, and they NEED you. So does Abby. Trust me, it's going to
be okay."
Cuddle jumped in the air, almost reaching Ghost's height.
"Yay! Okay, let's go! Hey guess what?? Aqua kissed me! Yea! He
She was jumping everywhere, running around Ghost's legs as they
made their way back home.