"Abby!!!" Yuki takes a step toward where she bolted, frowning a
bit. "C'mon, Abby, come back!" Letting out a sigh, she looks to Ty.
"Why don't we go get her, Ty? It might be best not to let her get
Fine, let me handle it then Yuki, I'll make sure she doesn't do
anything too stupid
*Walks outside the house*
A-Abby? H-hey theres n-no need to l-loose focus on our adventure
Abby sensed fright in Ty, and laughed.
"Oh goodness, how silly of me! Can't for get about the adventure!
Hah! Okay then, let's go."
She shouted to everyone in the house.
"Eh-- Okay, Ty." Puffs up her cheeks a bit with a pout, now being
the only person in the house. "Be careful!" Yuki plops back down,
arms crossed across her chest. She wasn't sure she could help
Yuki jumps a bit, standing back up. "Don't startle me! I just sat
down!" Quickly dusts off her clothes and runs out of the house,
blushing a bit.
Oh i got a bad feeling in my tentacles about this....
*Walks closer to.Abby*
Abby, your color is changed.... Please calm down, you know this
isn't good for your sanity.... Mine either, though im not sure i
have any
"Coming!" Yuki jumps a bit, standing back up. "Don't startle me! I
just sat down!" Quickly dusts off her clothes and runs out of the
house, blushing a bit.
Abby sat down and started to cry.
"I need to keep you sane...how am I supposed to do that if I can't
even keep my cool?!"
She started to make a mark in her leg from a claw.
She mumbled and she made another one
*Sits down and takes abbys hands*
Abby, please, look at me, we promsied each other than we would
stick by each other no matter what, please, everything is gonna be
*Wipes her eyes*
" I guess we're going to ask the Umbreon over there some questions
? " Wiskus replied to Mifune while noticing Abby scratch her leg
and going towards her