Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → N/A
About me:
Favorite Game: Roblox
Favorite roleplays: Eeveelution camp 2, The new world.
Mood: Calm
Favirote pokemon of all time: Mew
Favirote animal: Capybara
Ocs: shiny Shinx with a scarf and a santa hat
"HELPP! A wobbuffet is taking me! Wait.. wobbuffet? My evoletion!"

About me:
Favorite Game: Roblox
Favorite roleplays: Eeveelution camp 2, The new world.
Mood: Calm
Favirote pokemon of all time: Mew
Favirote animal: Capybara
Ocs: shiny Shinx with a scarf and a santa hat

About me:
Favorite Game: Roblox
Favorite roleplays: Eeveelution camp 2, The new world.
Mood: Calm
Favirote pokemon of all time: Mew
Favirote animal: Capybara
Ocs: shiny Shinx with a scarf and a santa hat
A buger bush. I tryed getting a buger but then wobbfett steals it from me.
He eats it.:


About me:
Favorite Game: Roblox
Favorite roleplays: Eeveelution camp 2, The new world.
Mood: Calm
Favirote pokemon of all time: Mew
Favirote animal: Capybara
Ocs: shiny Shinx with a scarf and a santa hat

About me:
Favorite Game: Roblox
Favorite roleplays: Eeveelution camp 2, The new world.
Mood: Calm
Favirote pokemon of all time: Mew
Favirote animal: Capybara
Ocs: shiny Shinx with a scarf and a santa hat

About me:
Favorite Game: Roblox
Favorite roleplays: Eeveelution camp 2, The new world.
Mood: Calm
Favirote pokemon of all time: Mew
Favirote animal: Capybara
Ocs: shiny Shinx with a scarf and a santa hat
I yawned and padded around.
I smiled at some of my fellow Amizonions.
I curled my tails around my daughter, Bracken.
I yawned and nestled into Mum's tails.