"I heard about him, Im Dylin son of , ugh dont hate me, Gaston."
Dylin said "But instead of evil like him i want to be good, and
nice. The girl who just kicked both of us was Cinderella's daughter
"Oh, cool. When I grow up, I'm gonna protect people! Like how my
bear instincts are telling me to hurt Daisy... But I
want to be nice too..." Sam added, watching Daisy walk away.
Creek drag a little at the corner of his mouth as in an annoyed
"I see.." He just answered shortly. But then he got a little
astonished about Hanley thinking low of her apperance. He thought
she'd be the girl who's pleased with her looks and just looking
down on others, But maybe the reason to why she teased people, was
that she actually felt really unsure about herself..? Creek audited
her face, looking for clues. She was mysterious in some way.
"What, do I have a pimple or something?" Hankey asked, watching
Creek look at her face. "Well, I would love to chat, but I need to
go to detention." Hanley said, looking at her watch, then down at
her dress. She always wore traditional Southern Iles dresses,
because it reminded her of her dad. Hanley then sped off to
detention, not wanting it to be any more awkward then it already
As Hanley left, Creek picked up a story book and sat down in a
couch by the window. The light from the outside was perfect reading
light. It wasn't too light, but still, light. The book he'd picked
was a childsbook about 3 bears.
Hanley smirked and head-butted Ama and Coal as they walked by, and
then she tore through their hands. She ran away, giggling, hoping
Daisy would notice. She then walked into the detention room, and
sat by the principal.
Sam was bored, so she turned her radio on "OMG! That is loud as
hell!", and she sang her two favorite songs again, jumping, and
dancing around her room, having fun that evening.
As Aya looked at the time, she sighed. Her sleep schedule was not
the best for school. She chekcs if she put on the alarm and it
shows that she didn't. "Great" she mumbled as she put on the alarm.
Aya got dressed and went out to explore the school, acting as if
she was in class.
Amaro woke up to spots of drool all over her paper, and looked at
the time. Amaro blushed at herself. She then stretched and jumped
off of her bunk. Amaro started to walk to the eating hall, ready
for dinner. Hanely
"Hello, and welcome to my home away from home, Mama Mary Sue!"
Hanley said to Daisy, flaring her arms up and plopping them back
down. Hanely called Daisy "Mama Mary Sue" because her mom was a
Mary Sue. Hanely grinned.
Aya headed with a smile or a grin on her face to the dining/eating
hall as, of course, she felt hungry. Once she got her food, she
decided to sit where there's the least people around, not caring if
anyone is looking at her.