Forum Thread
The war of the elements (ALWAYS ACEPTING)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The war of the elements (ALWAYS ACEPTING)RULES:
*No god-modding, mary-sues, or power-playing.
*No legendary Pokemon
*No ranks, but there will be leaders
*In most war RPs, it gets really gory. Maybe this time, dial it down a bit?
*Only one of each Pokemon, and one leader of each type
*Password is "Read the rules"
*You can't be on one side, then have another typing. (For ex. You can have a Pokemon on the Dragon team if it is pure dragon type, or it's first type, but you can't have a Pokemon with a Fairy type, or Fairy Dragon type on the dragon team)
*If you are accepted, please sensor the password.
*One user can create a max of two characters
*Alliances may be formed LATER in the RP, if I decide to make it end with peace.
*Only accepting three shiny Pokemon out of all the Pokemon that join
*Sorry, no mega Pokemon this time :(
*Any un-used types I will control as NRPCs (Non Role Playing Characters)
Pokemon name:
Pokemon species:
Pokemon Team:
Username: ShadowPikaSami
Pokemon Name: Reni
Pokemon Species: Reuniclus
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Psychic types (Leader)
Personality: Very nice, and playful. Her smile can light up a room, but she can quickly turn crazy over the other types, specifically the dark types.
Appearance: Here!
(Not my art)
Password: I am the creator, I don't need a password!
Other: Nothing yet
Pokemon name:William
Pokemon species:Noivern
Pokemon Team:Flying
Personality:Agressive, lonely, quiet, good at coming up with plans
Password:Fly, fly, fly!
Accepted, but include more in Personality, if you can.
Also, so each Pokemon type is going to war. So, each Pokemon has to go to war against another type. So, if a Pokemon is a pure Dragon type, or Dragon then another type, they would be on the Dragon type team. If it is a grass type, or any type other than dragon, or if it is another type, then dragon type, it would not be on the Dragon team. Ya get me now?
Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Ok, accepted when you fix the things, and sensor the password :3
Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Pokemon name: Oblivion
Pokemon species: Hydriegon
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Dark(Leader)
Personality: Dark, unassuming, clever
Other: Despises Fairy types
(Hydriegons first type is Dark, not Dragon)
Accepted! Now cover the password please :3
2/3 shiny spots filled!
Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Pokemon name: Flare
Pokemon species: Vulpix
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Fire
Personality: Very cold and unhappy most of the time, but can also be very sweet and gentle. She hates many different pokemon,
Pokemon name: Ben
Pokemon species: Coffagrigus
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Ghost(Leader of the team)
Personality: Kind, loving, smart, but also brutal, and disrespectful on a bad day.
Appearance:Normal Coffagrigus
Other: Ben tries to settle arguments fairly, he will fight to the death when he wants to. Ben is kind, however, on a bad day, you don't want to be in the same room as him.
Character Name: Logan
Pokemon species: Shuckle
Gender: Male
Pokemon team: Bug ( Leader)
Personally: Passive aggressive, shy, twisted, and kind
Password: Lc272489
Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Pokemon name: Gardenia
Pokemon: Shiny Gardevoir
Gender: Female
Team: Fairy (Leader)
Personality: Loyal to her team, and loves the earth and everything about it. She would never hurt a soul, partly because of her bad fighting skills.
Other: Because of her bad fighting skills, she will usually hide and heal others instead of fighting. When she is not healing she will garden, watering little flowers with her water bottle and rejuvenate them with her vast healing powers.
1. No, we can't.
2. This is not a king and queen thing.
3. You have to say the password, and ######## is not it.
Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
2. Change it, this is not kingdoms at all
3. I didn't ban megas because of their moves, it is because of the power-playing, and that kind of stuff, and if you beg one more time, I will report you. It would be unfair to let one user have a mega, and breaking a rule because the non-mega doesn't look good is not good enough to bend my rule.)
Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Pokemon name: Nerea
Pokemon species: Luxray (Shiny?)
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Electric(Leader)
Personality: She is usually funny and friendly but she can be easily angered and its really bad if she is angry . She usually listening only to her instincts .
Appearance: Normal Luxray but she have chained neckance and scar across her left eye
Username: Arwen
Pokemon name: Evelyn
Pokemon species: Servine
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Grass
Personality: She is loyal , sometimes a bit rude . She prefers to be alone but if you get to know her good you realize that she is really friendly and funny , she usually talks with sarcasm so bevare . She isnrt scared of dirt like other Servines ...
Appearance: She is normal Servine but she have Red scarf around her neck .
Other: nOTHING ...
(3/3 shiny spots filled, no more shinys now!)
Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage