Look at me.... Really look at me, im a monster! I can never have
happiness in my life! I can never live a normal life! You say that
i don't effect you, but you know deep down, that you are hurt by
"Y-You..." I paused for a few seconds. "You think you're a monster?
Haha! Have you looked at yourself in a mirror? You look NOTHING
like a monster! You don't hurt me. I swear."
Val sighed. "You know, you can't control other people's feelings.
You can make yourself believe that others hurt because of you but
it's not true. You have to just trust what the people say about
their feelings, or you'll never know the truth about it. We aren't
hurt by you and you aren't a monster."
*Stands up*
Do you wanna live a nightmare everyday? Huh? Do you wanna not be
able to control yourself, knowing that oneday your gonna murder
your friends? DO YOU!?!
"'Might kill yourself...'? Alright, I officially don't understand
what this guy is talking about." I crossed my arms and looked at
the plant, confused.
"Wow, what's wrong with him? He seems to have gotten more
aggresive." I kept inspecting the plant, trying to find out exactly
what the heck he was talking about. "This plants looks fairly...
inoffensive to me."
"I think he said something around the lines of... There's no end to
this misery, no cure, something like that." I jumped back a bit
when the plant hissed at us. "Okay, what do we do about this...