Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → GEMS"Oh yaaaay, the Citrine did something." Hematite says
"Why do you hate Citrine so much!" Redstone says "I think youre just jealous."
"Im not jealous of some false Amber! AND IM NOT JEALOUS!" Hematite says, and got a ideia "What if I fused with you and we beated this thing on a fight to proove how Citrines are bad!" she asked" he said
Username: Gold_The_Typlosion
Character: Bloodstone
Gem type: Bloodstone
Gender: None but prefers female pronouns or it.
Back round: Anouced by rp.
Appearance: A Black gem with red eyes and a red dress with tights and a black cape.
Are you a fusion: No way
Gem placement: Middle of Back
Character: Amber (not Evoras Amber)
Gem type: Organic
Human, half gem half human, or gem?: Gem
Gender: None
Background: ...
Appearence: He wears a big white-yellow coat over a unknown outfit. He wears dark yellow pants and yellow shoes, while he has messy yellow hair, yellow skin and yellow eyes.
Are you a fusion?: Nope
Gem location: Right eye
A Amethyst, 3 Rubies and 1 Amber came out of the ship.
The amethyst had chest gemstone and was bigger, a Ruby had back left hand and back right hand and right eye gemstone. The Amber had forehead.
"This place is not that bad!" Back Left Handie-a said