I think that it's kinda sad when someone is blocked forever and
their pokemon are just sitting there forever, so maybe when a
player is permanetly blocked, their pokemon could be given away or
automatically put in the auction house, idk where the money would
go, but this would be a good ifea
Hi Guys! I love lots of games such as Pokemon, Legend of Zelda,
Plants vs Zombies, Mario and more! Feel free to give meh a plushie
and be mah friend
This has already been explained before. That cannot be done because
in some (rare) cases, the banned user is able to prove their
innocence. Therefore it'd be unfair if we just gave away their
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by making new ones? As in
accounts? Is it really fair to make them start over when they
earned all those pokemon?
Either way, this is getting moved to 'rejected' as it has been
several times now.
People just beg too much, giving them what they want is like
encouraging it. The people that got block forever won't like it if
they ever found out what happened. Also, no cheating in the game.