"We are both leaders, and we both must make peace if we both want
it. We can discuss plans later. And, I have been leader for 2
years, and you? 2 months." Ivy said, getting angry and red.
Ivy rolls her eyes. "You only became leader because you were
co-leader before..." Ivy thinks out loud. She was soaking wet from
the rain, so she ran back to the Pokemon base.
Ivy saw the flower still there, and she wanted to do something with
it. She went to her little toy lab, (that was all she could afford
with the animals taking all the recourses) and she made some bombs
with it. Of course, it would affect both the victim and the user
without equipment the Pokemon did not have, but she would keep them
as a last resort.
(Goodnight Lizuka)
When Ivy finished the bombs, she wanted to go to her favorite
place: the hill dividing the 2 sides. The rain stopped, so she went
to that hill, and took a nap there, weary from the conversation
with Aldwin before.
Jade 2.0/Agent J wandered around outside the base, he walked to a
small pond, and saw some fish fighting some remoraid, he stopped
the fight by dividing the pond in half for the fish and remoraid to
live in harmony. Even though the fight continued, Agent J/Jade 2.0
left the area.
Caleb was again nowhere to be found. Many speculated that he was
still in the animals base. In his hiding spot. And he was. Caleb
opened his eyes when a little bug crawled over him, he shaked it
off and looked around. He sat up, still confused. But sad. He
wanted this war to end. Once for all. He walked out of his hiding
spot, grass on his head. He took a deep breath while closing his
eyes. Opening them again and walking out of the animal base.
Confident in his look.
He walked towards the Pokemon base. To find Ivy. To make this
settle. If he was the new 'Noelle' he could probably
convince Ivy and that new leader to stop the war. He could feel
light shining behind his back. He got scared. Would the light
strike him back? No? It was actually... Helping him go faster
towards it! He smiled. And was over with a tree. He crawled up,
almost falling, and jumped over. Trying to find Ivy's house, before
the Pokemon would go ga-ga. He was with the house now. Opening the
door, and closing it after he walked in.
Rizka saw the scene. That was Caleb... What should i do?? He could
be in danger... Better warn Aldwin. She thought. Then she went to
Aldwin s office and knocked at the door.
Caleb looked at Ivy. And took a deep breath again. Then started
explaining. "The war needs to stop. Too many creatures have died,
and we both have a bad and a good side. See us! Us two, we can go
great together! Even i. When i was with that Cubone. I regret to
this day that i was murder. I regret it. Why can't we live
together? Then all of this would've fade away.
We could build a city! Harmony City! Where all folk would live
together, in peace! With all our powers, we can surely make the
greatest city. Please." He said, tears in his eyes. It was a long
time ago he had been so emotional.
"No...don't cry little one..." Ivy cooed to Celeb. "I agree, but
your animal leader may not. I will have to contact him." Ivy said,
while writing the letter. It read: "Dear Aldwin, me, and many other
Pokemon and Animals think that the war must end. It has killed to
many ever since it started 5 years ago. Love, Ivy" Ivy finished
writing it. "Can you bring this to your leader, little one?" Ivy
asked Celeb.
Caleb lighted up. "I have a new boat!" He said, as he grapped the
letter and went outside, actually, ran out. All the way to the
animals base. Don't ask, he's very quick. He ran in, and went to
Aldwin's office. He knocked, full of excitement.
Ivy laughed as he sped off with his new ''boat''. She went back
inside, and she threw away all her weapons, and even her lucky
bottle of rat poison. She was done with the fighting.
"Mama!" Squirt said while running up to her. "If the war ends, you
mama, k?" Squirt said, hugging her.
"Ok, Squirt" Ivy laughed as she packed up the things se wanted to
keep. She said on the speaker "Everyone please pack up your things,
this war will end very soon!" Ivy said on it with Squirt on her